My addition to the technosms 1) Added new postcard module 2) Account programming - Changed Editview to EditviewClass - Changed Listview to ListviewClass - Changed Account's layouts_defs.php to include MEMO subpanel - fixed advanced search menu 3) Other programming - added teacher and staff idnumber generation - added update of alt address when account is selected in Student Editview - country list update, do not save default value when no country is selected from country drop_list - Fixed SCHOOL PERMISSION CHECK (now schools editview can be seen) - Clean EditHandlerParent class, moved student_id card related query to student subclass - Fix advanced search error when search account name - Email Marketing cannot be stored if there is no mailbox, and message is printed how possibly it can be fixed - Added DELETE button for uploaded contact image - Added general search with short Id number in header - Fixed when press Cancel in Duplicate view 4) New custom variable generation - language overrides are moved to cache/custom - override of language files is possible from admin menu, changes are stored in overrides - Changed admin page to support new custom variables - Mac custom fields 5) PDF programming - Fixed label printing to automatically divide address when it is long - Added Teacher and Staff ID Cards - Kaplan Label printing, added new label - update barcode to new type Barcode39 - Invoice programming 6) Email Programming - added tooltip Help for the email templates - alert when teplate with dynamic content is selected in Email module - Attachment filename is sent without ID, just name - Email link in Student Listview - updated email links when going from Detailview of all contacts and accounts - fixed errors with 400 Bad requests - mojibake with replyTo - support for long From names and attachment filenames - mojibake with non-html e-mails - changed status of Campaign email to 'Mass Email' To activate help Module do the following http://localhost/schoolmng/index.php?module=ACL&action=install_actions Then from admin menu press configure tabs and add HELP from hide tabs to display tabs 1) TO search regexpr in mysql SELECT * FROM `contacts` WHERE contacts.idnumber REGEXP '001[0]{5}17' 2) TO override export_fields set in every exportable modules Added var $override_fields_to_export; //this var overrides export array set in every module to Listview class when you would like to override export_fields just assign new array with export fields to this array 3) To activate SOAP connection in config.php of mobile should be something like this $swconfig = array( 'sugarurl'=> '', 'max_results'=>8, 'default_language'=>'ja', ); Since this connection is created inside the server "" should be properly resolved in the server add the following line to the /etc/hosts XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX where XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the ip address for the main SMS site where soap tries to connect. Note: this IP address is not global, but local. which can be found in apache conf of SMS site EX: NameVirtualHost FORBIDDEN CHARS FOR serialize(), unserialize() "forbidden" characters: ", ', ;, :, and so on and so forth, breaking the query and my later attempts at deserialize(). Here's a quick and dirty solution: And in the other end: query("SELECT archives_arr FROM ". $table_name . " WHERE id=0") $array_restored_from_db = unserialize( base64_decode( $encoded_serialized_string )); ?> PROBLEM WITH DEBUG taking much time 1) One of the problem maybe that you Salesgroup in header history - include/theme/header.php does some special handling for SalesGroup which is time consuming Solution: Just press anything except Salesgroup so header Salesgroup entry overwritten by other entries then DEBUG will become faster Sample to print JAVASCRIPT object Firefox related 1) popups activated from Calendar and Schedule views should include tags otherwise it does not work in Firefox. It is not considered as proper html.