SELECT * FROM `contacts` WHERE idnumber IN ( 'NG00000188', 'NG00000189', 'NG00000190', 'NG00000191', 'NG00000192', 'NG00000193', 'NG00000194', 'NG00000195', 'NG00000196', 'NG00000197', 'NG00000198', 'NG00000199', 'NG00000200', 'NG00000201', 'NG00000202', 'NG00000203', 'NG00000204', 'NG00000205', 'NG00000206', 'NG00000207', 'NG00000208', 'NG00000209', 'NG00000210', 'NG00000211', 'NG00000212', 'NG00000213', 'NG00000214', 'NG00000215', 'NG00000216', 'NG00000217', 'NG00000218', 'NG00000219', 'NG00000220', 'NG00000221', 'NG00000222', 'NG00000223', 'NG00000224', 'NG00000225', 'NG00000226', 'NG00000227', 'NG00000228', 'NG00000229', 'NG00000230', 'NG00000231', 'NG00000232' ) LIMIT 0 , 30; update contacts set school_id = '58362bd0-5d1e-c3f9-efd1-4441c972601c' WHERE idnumber IN ( 'NG00000188', 'NG00000189', 'NG00000190', 'NG00000191', 'NG00000192', 'NG00000193', 'NG00000194', 'NG00000195', 'NG00000196', 'NG00000197', 'NG00000198', 'NG00000199', 'NG00000200', 'NG00000201', 'NG00000202', 'NG00000203', 'NG00000204', 'NG00000205', 'NG00000206', 'NG00000207', 'NG00000208', 'NG00000209', 'NG00000210', 'NG00000211', 'NG00000212', 'NG00000213', 'NG00000214', 'NG00000215', 'NG00000216', 'NG00000217', 'NG00000218', 'NG00000219', 'NG00000220', 'NG00000221', 'NG00000222', 'NG00000223', 'NG00000224', 'NG00000225', 'NG00000226', 'NG00000227', 'NG00000228', 'NG00000229', 'NG00000230', 'NG00000231', 'NG00000232' ); SELECT primary_address_city, primary_address_street from contacts where primary_address_street LIKE "%郡%" ; SELECT,contacts_backup2.primary_address_street as part1, CONCAT_WS('',contacts.primary_address_state,contacts.primary_address_city,contacts.primary_address_street) as part2, contacts.date_modified from contacts INNER JOIN contacts_backup2 on = WHERE contacts_backup2.primary_address_street != CONCAT_WS('',contacts.primary_address_state,contacts.primary_address_city,contacts.primary_address_street) AND contacts.date_modified = '2007-07-19 19:27:56' update contacts, contacts_backup2 set contacts.primary_address_street = contacts_backup2.primary_address_street, contacts.primary_address_state='', contacts.primary_address_city='' WHERE AND contacts_backup2.primary_address_street != CONCAT_WS('',contacts.primary_address_state,contacts.primary_address_city,contacts.primary_address_street) AND contacts.date_modified = '2007-07-19 19:27:56' update contacts set custom_var2='FALSE' where date_modified='2007-08-07' and date_entered='2007-08-07'; -- 2007-10-18 --- metehan SELECT * FROM `contacts` WHERE (custom_var19 & '256') ; UPDATE `contacts` SET custom_var19 = (custom_var19 -256) WHERE (custom_var19 & '256') and (custom_var19 & '512') ; SELECT id, custom_var19, (custom_var19 -256) FROM `contacts` WHERE (custom_var19 & '256') ; UPDATE `contacts` SET custom_var19 = 512 WHERE (custom_var19 & '256') ; SELECT id, custom_var2 FROM `contacts` WHERE custom_var2 = '0' ; UPDATE contacts SET custom_var2= 'FALSE' WHERE custom_var2 = '0' ; -- 2007-10-31 --- metehan SELECT c.last_name,c.first_name,,c.idnumber,c.application_date, contact_status FROM contacts c, resource r WHERE c.smsgroup='student' and c.deleted=0 and c.school_id = and (custom_var19 & 2) ; // list are created for 2(F), 16(C), 128(J) -- 2008-04-01 metehan DELETE FROM `sms_transactiontype` WHERE CONVERT(`sms_transactiontype`.`id` USING utf8) = '2' LIMIT 1; DELETE FROM `sms_transactiontype` WHERE CONVERT(`sms_transactiontype`.`id` USING utf8) = '28' LIMIT 1; -- 2008-04-16 metehan DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sms_transactiontype`; CREATE TABLE `sms_transactiontype` ( `id` varchar(36) NOT NULL default '', `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', `deleted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', `date_entered` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `modified_user_id` varchar(36) default NULL, `created_by` varchar(36) default NULL, `keiri_category` varchar(50) default NULL, `apply_new_student` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', `show_in_edit_fee` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', `keiri_code` int(8) default '0', `description` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `keiri_category` (`keiri_category`,`keiri_code`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Dumping data for table `sms_transactiontype` -- INSERT INTO `sms_transactiontype` (`id`, `name`, `deleted`, `date_entered`, `date_modified`, `modified_user_id`, `created_by`, `keiri_category`, `apply_new_student`, `show_in_edit_fee`, `keiri_code`, `description`) VALUES ('27', 'tuition student kaisu', 0, '2007-09-15 00:00:00', '2007-09-15 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'student', 0, 1, 407, 'Tuition fees with even distribution'), ('5', 'textbook', 0, '2006-01-15 00:00:00', '2006-01-15 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'student', 1, 1, 402, 'Textbook fee for students'), ('8', 'refund', 0, '2006-01-15 00:00:00', '2006-01-15 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'student', 0, 0, 401, 'Refund'), ('9', 'refund_c', 0, '2006-01-15 00:00:00', '2006-01-15 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'student', 0, 0, 301, 'Refund commission'), ('4', 'parttime salary', 0, '2006-01-15 00:00:00', '2006-01-15 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'teacher', 0, 1, 653, 'Part-time salary for teachers'), ('14', 'salary', 0, '2006-01-15 00:00:00', '2006-01-15 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'teacher', 0, 1, 652, 'Salary for teachers'), ('3', 'transportation', 0, '2006-01-15 00:00:00', '2006-01-15 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'teacher', 0, 1, 665, 'Transporation fee for teachers'), ('13', 'adjustment', 0, '2006-01-15 00:00:00', '2006-01-15 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'teacher', 0, 0, 665, 'Salary djusment value for teachers'), ('12', 'transfer_out', 0, '2006-01-15 00:00:00', '2006-01-15 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'teacher', 0, 1, 665, 'Money transfer for teachers'), ('17', 'student other', 0, '2007-04-28 00:00:00', '2007-04-28 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'student', 1, 1, 402, 'Other student fees'), ('28', 'tuition gessha kaisu', 0, '2007-11-03 12:00:00', '2007-11-03 12:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'student', 0, 1, 407, 'Gessha fees with even distribution'); -- 2008-05-14 UPDATE sms_fee SET deleted=1 WHERE contact_id LIKE 'f00caa0b-f1c7-f25f-5814-4791ae7a8956'; UPDATE sms_transaction SET deleted=1 WHERE contact_id LIKE 'f00caa0b-f1c7-f25f-5814-4791ae7a8956'; UPDATE sms_salesgroup SET deleted=1 WHERE contact_id LIKE 'f00caa0b-f1c7-f25f-5814-4791ae7a8956'; --2008-05-15 UPDATE sms_fee SET deleted=1 WHERE contact_id LIKE 'c238f3b8-c2ce-b070-231b-47b928cc486d'; UPDATE sms_transaction SET deleted=1 WHERE contact_id LIKE 'c238f3b8-c2ce-b070-231b-47b928cc486d'; UPDATE sms_salesgroup SET deleted=1 WHERE contact_id LIKE 'c238f3b8-c2ce-b070-231b-47b928cc486d'; -- 2008-11-18 update sms_transaction SET payment_type='dccard' WHERE payment_type='jcb'; -- 2009-07-07 UPDATE sms_fee SET fee_subcategory = 'tuition' WHERE name LIKE "%?????"; UPDATE sms_fee SET fee_subcategory = 'entrance' WHERE name LIKE "%?��???"; UPDATE sms_fee SET fee_subcategory = 'textbook' WHERE name LIKE "%???�?"; UPDATE sms_fee SET fee_subcategory = 'flower' WHERE name LIKE "%?��?�?"; UPDATE sms_fee SET fee_subcategory = 'association' WHERE name LIKE "%???%"; UPDATE `sms_fee` SET type_id = '27' WHERE type_id='17'; UPDATE `sms_transaction` SET type_id = '27' WHERE type_id='17'; UPDATE `sms_transactiontype` SET `deleted` = '1' WHERE CONVERT( `sms_transactiontype`.`id` USING utf8 ) = '17' LIMIT 1 ; UPDATE `sms_transactiontype` SET `deleted` = '1' WHERE CONVERT( `sms_transactiontype`.`id` USING utf8 ) = '5' LIMIT 1 ; -- 2009-07-14 UPDATE sms_fee SET fee_subcategory = 'tuition' WHERE name LIKE "%224100F????��??��????????��??��?%"; UPDATE sms_fee SET fee_subcategory = 'tuition' WHERE name LIKE "%241100F????��??��??��?%"; UPDATE sms_fee SET fee_subcategory = 'tuition' WHERE name LIKE "%3411CCT???????��??��???"; UPDATE sms_fee SET fee_subcategory = 'tuition' WHERE name LIKE "%?��??��???????%"; UPDATE sms_fee SET fee_subcategory = 'tuition' WHERE name LIKE "%�??�?"; UPDATE sms_fee SET fee_subcategory = 'other' WHERE fee_subcategory IS NULL; -- 2009-07-15 UPDATE `sms_fee` SET start_date = sell_date WHERE fee_subcategory!='tuition' AND id NOT IN ( 'ed99043a-b951-9cdd-aafb-4a3b50a4f5f8', '1abdedbe-ffa9-0d94-4ba4-4a35e75d91f2', 'dd297e29-3686-eabd-5979-4a35d55791f0', 'c61f58ad-069e-9583-e6c5-4a41aafc35bf' ); -- 2009-07-15 queries checking for email shot problem SELECT last_name, first_name, idnumber,,, emails.date_entered FROM contacts, prospect_lists_prospects, emails WHERE prospect_lists_prospects.prospect_list_id = '7f4f0c50-9c11-32ec-9323-4c11b2ad97ac' AND = prospect_lists_prospects.related_id AND emails.parent_id = AND emails.parent_id = prospect_lists_prospects.related_id AND emails.date_entered > '2010-06-11' GROUP BY ; SELECT, count(*) FROM contacts, prospect_lists_prospects, emails WHERE prospect_lists_prospects.prospect_list_id = '7f4f0c50-9c11-32ec-9323-4c11b2ad97ac' AND = prospect_lists_prospects.related_id AND emails.parent_id = AND emails.parent_id = prospect_lists_prospects.related_id AND emails.date_entered > '2010-06-11' GROUP BY HAVING count(*) >1 ; /* yahya20100706 -- to split emails table into two tables (2nd one is emailsemail_cstm) */ CREATE TABLE `emailsemail_cstm` SELECT * FROM `emails`; ALTER TABLE `emailsemail_cstm` CHANGE `id` `id_c` VARCHAR( 36 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `emailsemail_cstm` DROP `date_entered` , DROP `date_modified` , DROP `assigned_user_id` , DROP `modified_user_id` , DROP `created_by` , DROP `name` , DROP `date_start` , DROP `time_start` , DROP `parent_type` , DROP `parent_id` , DROP `from_addr` , DROP `from_name` , DROP `type` , DROP `status` , DROP `message_id` , DROP `reply_to_name` , DROP `reply_to_addr` , DROP `intent` , DROP `mailbox_id` , DROP `deleted` ; ALTER TABLE `emailsemail_cstm` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `id_c` ) ; ALTER TABLE `emails` DROP `description` , DROP `description_html` , DROP `to_addrs` , DROP `cc_addrs` , DROP `bcc_addrs` , DROP `to_addrs_ids` , DROP `to_addrs_names` , DROP `to_addrs_emails` , DROP `cc_addrs_ids` , DROP `cc_addrs_names` , DROP `cc_addrs_emails` , DROP `bcc_addrs_ids` , DROP `bcc_addrs_names` , DROP `bcc_addrs_emails` ; ALTER TABLE `contacts` ADD INDEX `first_name_deleted` ( `first_name` , `deleted` ) ; INSERT INTO `fields_meta_data` (`id`, `name`, `label`, `custom_module`, `data_type`, `max_size`, `required_option`, `default_value`, `date_modified`, `deleted`, `audited`, `ext1`, `ext2`, `ext3`) VALUES ('Emailsid_c', 'id_c', 'id_c', 'Emails', 'text', 255, 'optional', NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, 'moduleList', '0', '0'), ('Emailsdescription', 'description', 'description', 'Emails', 'text', 255, 'optional', NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, 'moduleList', '0', '0'), ('Emailsdescription_html', 'description_html', 'description_html', 'Emails', 'text', 255, 'optional', NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, 'moduleList', '0', '0'), ('Emailsto_addrs', 'to_addrs', 'to_addrs', 'Emails', 'text', 255, 'optional', NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, 'moduleList', '0', '0'), ('Emailscc_addrs', 'cc_addrs', 'cc_addrs', 'Emails', 'text', 255, 'optional', NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, 'moduleList', '0', '0'), ('Emailsbcc_addrs', 'bcc_addrs', 'bcc_addrs', 'Emails', 'text', 255, 'optional', NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, 'moduleList', '0', '0'), ('Emailsto_addrs_ids', 'to_addrs_ids', 'to_addrs_ids', 'Emails', 'text', 255, 'optional', NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, 'moduleList', '0', '0'), ('Emailsto_addrs_names', 'to_addrs_names', 'to_addrs_names', 'Emails', 'text', 255, 'optional', NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, 'moduleList', '0', '0'), ('Emailsto_addrs_emails', 'to_addrs_emails', 'to_addrs_emails', 'Emails', 'text', 255, 'optional', NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, 'moduleList', '0', '0'), ('Emailscc_addrs_ids', 'cc_addrs_ids', 'cc_addrs_ids', 'Emails', 'text', 255, 'optional', NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, 'moduleList', '0', '0'), ('Emailscc_addrs_names', 'cc_addrs_names', 'cc_addrs_names', 'Emails', 'text', 255, 'optional', NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, 'moduleList', '0', '0'), ('Emailscc_addrs_emails', 'cc_addrs_emails', 'cc_addrs_emails', 'Emails', 'text', 255, 'optional', NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, 'moduleList', '0', '0'), ('Emailsbcc_addrs_ids', 'bcc_addrs_ids', 'bcc_addrs_ids', 'Emails', 'text', 255, 'optional', NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, 'moduleList', '0', '0'), ('Emails', 'bcc_addrs_emails', 'bcc_addrs_emails', 'Emails', 'text', 255, 'optional', NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, 'moduleList', '0', '0'); -- special update for emailman table since Save is changes this updates must also be applied!!! ALTER TABLE `emailman` ADD `email_type` VARCHAR( 50 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'email1'; ALTER TABLE `emails` ADD UNIQUE `id_deleted` ( `id` , `deleted` ) ; ALTER TABLE `emails` ADD INDEX ( `assigned_user_id` ); -- 2013-05-07 DB time updates UPDATE `emails` SET `date_entered`=DATE_ADD(`date_entered`, INTERVAL 540 MINUTE), `date_modified`=DATE_ADD(`date_modified`, INTERVAL 540 MINUTE) WHERE 1 ; -- 2013-5-30 fee updates SELECT,, sms_fee.salesno, sms_fee2.salesno FROM sms_fee, sms_fee2 WHERE sms_fee.deleted=0 AND sms_fee2.deleted=0 AND sms_fee.contact_id IS NULL AND sms_fee.contact_id IS NULL AND AND sms_fee.salesno!=sms_fee2.salesno UPDATE sms_fee, sms_fee2 SET sms_fee2.salesno=sms_fee.salesno WHERE sms_fee.deleted=0 AND sms_fee2.deleted=0 AND sms_fee.contact_id IS NULL AND sms_fee.contact_id IS NULL AND AND sms_fee.salesno!=sms_fee2.salesno