-- 2017-03-31 gakunen updates SELECT last_name, date_entered, date_modified, idnumber, grade, grade_entrance_date, grade_entered, id FROM contacts WHERE smsgroup='student' AND SUBSTRING(date_modified, 1, 10)='2017-03-31' ORDER BY `contacts`.`date_modified` DESC itojuku server -- first copy contacts table into contacts20170331 1. 新学年更新コード key: grade_entrance_date https://itojuku.e-school.jp/index.php ※特別ルールあり 「学年資料」シート参照 \\ASO\marketing\Customers\617_伊藤塾\伊藤塾\08_詳細設計\B_受講生管理\B-001【詳細】(完)_受講生登録:窓口02_受講生登録.xls UPDATE contacts SET grade=grade+1 WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade IS NOT NULL AND grade!='' AND grade NOT IN ('22', 'general', 'general1', 'general2', 'general3', 'eiken', 'kousotsu', 'houka1', 'houka2', 'houka3', 'houka4', 'graduate', 'm1', 'm2', 'd1', 'd2', 'd3', 'g5', 'g6', 'g7', 'g8') AND grade_entrance_date <'2017-04-01' ; UPDATE contacts SET grade='houka4' WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade='houka3' ; UPDATE contacts SET grade='houka3' WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade='houka2' ; UPDATE contacts SET grade='houka2' WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade='houka1' ; 236 server -- first copy contacts table into contacts20170331 2. https://zoo-phonics.e-school.jp -> max grade =12 UPDATE contacts SET grade=grade+1 WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade IS NOT NULL AND grade!='' AND grade NOT IN ('general', 'general1', 'general2', 'general3', 'eiken') AND date_modified <'2017-04-01' ; UPDATE contacts SET grade='12' WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade='13' ; 3. 新学年更新コード key: grade_entrance_date https://flaps.e-school.jp/ -> max grade= 18 UPDATE contacts SET grade=grade+1 WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade IS NOT NULL AND grade!='' AND grade NOT IN ('general', 'general1', 'general2', 'general3', 'eiken') AND grade_entrance_date <'2017-04-01' ; UPDATE contacts SET grade='18' WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade='19' ; 4. https://jpa.e-school.jp -> max grade= 14 UPDATE contacts SET grade=grade+1 WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade IS NOT NULL AND grade!='' AND grade NOT IN ('general', 'general1', 'general2', 'general3', 'eiken') AND date_modified <'2017-04-01' ; UPDATE contacts SET grade='14' WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade='15' ; 234 server -- first copy contacts table into contacts20170331 -- higashinihon & alc & noborders & asunaro & silia=aquaplannet 5. https://higashinihon.e-school.jp -> max grade= general (general comes after 17) 6. https://alc-gp.e-school.jp -> max grade= general (general comes after 17) 5. https://aquaplannet.e-school.jp -> max grade= general (general comes after 17) 7. https://noborders.e-school.jp/ -> max grade= general (general comes after 17) 9. https://asunaro.e-school.jp/ -> max grade= general (general comes after 17) UPDATE contacts SET grade=grade+1 WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade IS NOT NULL AND grade!='' AND grade NOT IN ('general', 'general1', 'general2', 'general3', 'eiken') AND date_modified <'2017-04-01'; UPDATE contacts SET grade='general' WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade='18' ; 8. https://hegl.e-school.jp/ -> max grade= general (general comes after 18) UPDATE contacts SET grade=grade+1 WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade IS NOT NULL AND grade!='' AND grade NOT IN ('general', 'general1', 'general2', 'general3', 'eiken') AND date_modified <'2017-04-01'; UPDATE contacts SET grade='general' WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade='19' ; 10. https://gojuku.e-school.jp/ -> max grade= 15 UPDATE contacts SET grade=grade+1 WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade IS NOT NULL AND grade!='' AND grade NOT IN ('general', 'general1', 'general2', 'general3', 'eiken') AND date_modified < '2017-04-01 00:00:00' ; UPDATE contacts SET grade='15' WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade='16' ; 11. https://kenjusha.e-school.jp/ -> max grade= 18 UPDATE contacts SET grade=grade+1 WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade IS NOT NULL AND grade!='' AND grade NOT IN ('general', 'general1', 'general2', 'general3', 'eiken') AND date_modified <'2017-04-01'; UPDATE contacts SET grade='18' WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade='19' ; 12. https://juku.e-school.jp/ -> max grade= general (general comes after 17) UPDATE contacts SET grade=grade+1 WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade IS NOT NULL AND grade!='' AND grade NOT IN ('general', 'general1', 'general2', 'general3', 'eiken') AND grade_entrance_date <'2017-04-01'; UPDATE contacts SET grade='general' WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade='18' ; -- 2016-03-01 grade updates (early morning) -- Misuzu -- copy contacts to contacts_20160229 UPDATE contacts SET grade=grade+1 WHERE smsgroup='student' AND grade IS NOT NULL AND grade!='' AND grade NOT IN ('general', 'general1', 'general2', 'general3', 'eiken', '18') AND date_modified < '2016-03-01'; UPDATE contacts SET grade='general1' WHERE grade=18 AND date_modified < '2016-03-01';