- Creating the import environment 1. Create the Import database on the server In order to create a DB for practical purposes with no unneeded data (doesn't matter if the data is already in the TestDB), create an empty DB Fields for creating the new DB ・DB Name :xxx_import where xxx is the name of the school (ex: swu_import) ・Character Set  :utf8_general_ci ・MySQL Collation :utf8_general_ci 2. Setting the DB User Server Menu of PHPMyadmin Privileges − Add a new user. Once the user exists, select the said user and grant privilege to ImportDB Username:xxx_sms Host: localhost Password: Create one using "Generate Password" or match with /test, and match with the config file Database for user: None Global Privileges:Data Check all items Structure Check all items Administration Check only LOCK TABLES 3. Export the sampledb_sms from 236 Server. If it's in the same server, then it's fine to copy 4. Import to importDB the exported SQL 5. Create the import environment from the ZIP in the TechnoSMS server (Refer to upload_guide.txt) 6. Create and upload Import.config 7. Update the DB Login to the Admin and update the DB Run the DBKanri and the DB will be created from the Vardef Run db_update *There's no need to run the following tool since it has already been done in sampledb_sms -- For MySQL5.6, run the following tool  -- (If this hasn't been run on the server, run it on the copy in your local. Then, re-align using DBKanri)  -- http://localhost/KAIHATSU/GENEL/db_utilities/mysql_5_6_NULL_converter.php 8. Ask the Support to configure the schools, authorizations, etc - Data Transfer Preparation in Advance: The DBs to be used for the transfer in both the server and the local has to be kept the same (if the columns of the DB are different, the CSV import will be slightly off) Always update using DBKanri and db_update after using the tool 1. Create xxx_import in Local. Export the ImportDB from the server and import it to the Local 2. Create the ID used by the school in csv-maker (So as it would also be applied in the working folder) Add the ID and password to the following file \csv-maker\data\accounts.json 3. Acess http://localhost/csv-maker/public/ (No need to set the browser) Username・Password: The ones that has been created 4. Setting the loading source table DB Connection Settings: Assign to the table where the the destination of the import will be  Ex:Localhost/root/ /swu_import Set the ホスト名 (Host Name), Username (ユーザ名) and Password (パスワード). Upon click on the 更新 (Update) button, all the DB in the local would be displayed in the pulldown Select the xxx_import and click on the 更新 (Update) button CSV File: Select the loading source CSV file 読み込むテーブル (Table to be loaded): Select the loading source CSV file 作成するテーブル (Table to be created): Select the table where the the destination of the import will be *In order for the CSV file (the one to be to loaded) to be in UTF8, it is needed to change its character encoding using an editor *In order for the loaded CSV to be copied in 「C:\wamp\www\csv-maker\data\user\(username)\tables」, it is possible for the loaded file to be directly change rather than deleting it on the browser and be added 5. Creating the function for the conversion of data based on the mapping table   C:\wamp\www\csv-maker\functions\field Create using the same name for the file name and class name $name : Name that shows the process functions $argument_count : Number of arguments to be set $CODE_MAP : Used for character conversion mapping apply function : Conversion function is_applicable : Sets the table name and columns to be imported What has been set here will be shown in the process functions 6. Configuring the fields of the table   Process Function Association : Character string association Numerical Value Addition : Adds specific numerical value Disregard letters Null Value : Output as null Conversion of Target Values: Convert blank and other characters  Argument:Original Data, Value when blank, Value if not blank Ex: The blank will be converted to 1 while the others reain the same Argument:Original Value, 1, Original Value Numerical Conversion :Conversion of small numbers arugment:Original Value, Value for the ones that hasn't been set, if 0 is inputted, if 1 is inputted, if 2 is inputted... Ex:0 to 1, 1 to 2 Argument:Original Value, Original Value, 1, 2 Empty Character is NULL: When empty character, output NULL. Others will remain the same. Fetching of Character String : Same function as Substring printf : Same function as Sprintf Used in zero padding Custom Function: Process function will be shown in the specific field (function made in 3) Argument Fixed Character String : Date, etc are fixed Column Reference : Refer to the title names of the loading source table Line Number : Line number of the CSV *Be careful since while the Custom Function will be shown when refreshed, 設定 (Setting) will disappear! Once the 設定 (Setting) has been saved, the Custom Funtion will be shown for thr reloading *If you bookmark the URL of the field setting of the table, the same table will be loaded. 7.Saving the set fields of the table   Click the 保存 (Save) under the title Save the created 設定 (Setting) and reload the important points. *Save File Save Destination:C:\wamp\www\csv-maker\SCHOOL_FILES\xxx where xxx is school name Ex:swu *Since the generated table name is based on the filename, please be careful when transferring multiple CSVs into the same table since it will become the same file name. *Save DB Add table to DB Run the following SQL in the Local http://localhost/csv-maker/lib/techno-csv/resources/tbs_format_config.sql 8.Output CSV The 作成する (Create) button on the lower right of the screen will output the CSV It will be successful if the number of lines of the original data has the same number with that of the outputted CSV If there has been error, it will output all the data up to the one before the error occured and the contents of the erroneous line will be a message containing an array - Importing the DB On PHPMyadmin 1. Select the DB and table to be imported, then click on the import tab File to be imported: The csv generated by the csv-maker Number of rows to skip, starting from the first row::1(Skip the title row) Format of the file to be imported: CSV for the LOAD DATA Character separating the fields:, End-of-line Character :\r\n Column Name : Set this when the table to imported and the table organization used by the DB of the csv-maker is different. While this is usually not set, it' b be good if you copy the first row of the generated CSV 2、 Run Import If the number of imported rowers and the number of rows in the CSV generated by the csv-maker are the same, it means the process is successful 3.Export the local that has been imported and perform ImportDB of the sevrer using the exported SQL If there are so many data, the import directly the CSV to the server In that case, please be mindful of the column nmaes when importing