-- Shinjuku custom fields ('sssssss-1111') -- Custom variables -- custom_var17 = amount left that should be paid by the client -- custom_var18 = leave_date and reason, format is not same in fields, not possible to divide and enter it into leave_date column -- custom_var19 = payment_discount -- custom_var20 = schedule update contacts set `custom_var1` = `custom_var17` where `school_id`='sssssss-1111'; update contacts set `custom_var2` = `custom_var18` where `school_id`='sssssss-1111'; update contacts set `custom_var3` = `custom_var19` where `school_id`='sssssss-1111'; update contacts set `custom_var4` = `custom_var20` where `school_id`='sssssss-1111' and contact_status=0; update contacts set `custom_var4` = `custom_var20` where `school_id`='sssssss-1111' and contact_status=7; -- Shinjuku custom fields for application -- Application Students == > contact_status = 5 -- custom_var20 - course name -- update contacts set `custom_var8` = `custom_var20` where `school_id`='sssssss-1111' and contact_status=5; -- Nagoya custom fields ('483794c4-adee-a607-f685-4441c943a1e2') -- custom_var18=course -- custom_var19=teacher name -- custom_var20=course type update contacts set `custom_var5` = `custom_var18` where `school_id`='483794c4-adee-a607-f685-4441c943a1e2'; update contacts set `custom_var6` = `custom_var19` where `school_id`='483794c4-adee-a607-f685-4441c943a1e2'; update contacts set `custom_var7` = `custom_var20` where `school_id`='483794c4-adee-a607-f685-4441c943a1e2'; update contacts set description=concat_ws('\r\n', `description`, concat('余った金額: ',`custom_var1`), concat('休校・退校日 理由: ',`custom_var2`)) where school_id='sssssss-1111'; UPDATE `contacts` SET description = NULL WHERE description = '余った金額: \r\n休校・退校日 理由: ' UPDATE contacts SET custom_var17=NULL where 1; UPDATE contacts SET custom_var18=NULL where 1; UPDATE contacts SET custom_var19=NULL where 1; UPDATE contacts SET custom_var20=NULL where 1; -- RECORD FOR DB UPDATE ON 2007.01.30 -- Course with ID 307553e7-13fd-9af1-826a-4590bc47bf1c has multiple instances at same time slots