TECHNOSMS UPLOAD GUIDE 1. remote login into the computer "general", using "remote desktop". Minimize EasyPHP. (Don't close) user name: development / metehan pass : KNRaE7zk46 2. get the latest version of the code through SVN on the following folder. Run SVN Update. C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-8\www\schoolmng 3. If there are any deleted files from the SVN, also delete them on the following folder C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-8\www\phpencoded\technosms 3.5.Delete unupload files Files under the folder below dono't need to encording or upload. This will be error on PHP Encoder, so delete this folder. C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-8\www\schoolmng\modules\Administration\an\base_modules 4. start "ionCube PHP Encoder" 4-1. Open Menu - File - technosms (Shoube be in history list) open project "technosms". 4-2. Start Encoding by clicking the green arrow button check that there are no errors generated during encoding (if there are fix the code on your local and repeat from 2) *If there is no CACHE folder for the new schools Rename 'sample_for_upload' folder to new school name and delete other school name folders under both CACHE below C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-8\www\phpencoded\technosms\SCHOOL_CACHE_PERM C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-8\www\phpencoded\technosms\SCHOOL_CACHE_TEMP 5. Create technosms zip file 5.1Delete the current version of the zip file C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-8\www\phpencoded\ 5.2Create a zip file from the technosms folder and name it as Select all files under the technosms foldor and create zip file in upper folder. right click, add archive.(using WinRAR) choose upper directory from browse button, select zip. 6. Upload the file using an ftp tool like WinSCP into the corresponding folder of the school: (Overwrite if old file exist) -> Make sure you log in to Fuji with your ID/PW for WinSCP secret key \\home\sites\****\ ex: \\home\sites\\ - Log off general computer and back to your computer (No close botton) 7. For a HONBAN SITE do the following actions on the system window (using ssh connection window) 7.1 login into the server using for example PuTTY (e.g. with user admin su development (use site's development padssword) 7.2 run necessary aliases to prevent mute overwriting alias rm='rm -v' ; alias mv='mv -i' ; alias ll='ls -l' ; 7.3 Move to school folder and remove the old backup cd /home/sites/*** (school domain) ex: cd /home/site/acc rm -rf htdocsOLD; 7.4 Run script below and unzip technosms. create htdocsNEW. ../scripts/sms_install *** ex: ../scripts/sms_install acc (For 153,234,236 server) ../script/sms_install *** ex: ../script/sms_install acc (For 157 server) script/sms_install acc (For 142(acc2) server) script/sms_install itojuku (For 146 itojuku) (*** should be the school name, e.g. acc or 'culture' for common codes) 7.5 Delete cache in new folder rm -rf htdocsNEW/SCHOOL_CACHE_* (if not a new school, remove new cache folders since existing ones will be utilized) 7.6 Apply the DB updates for the school using PHPMyadmin; check general and school specific file below To find out last DB update: check bugreport with school name and find "Upload info". If there are any update SQL in below files after DB update in bugreport, execute them using PHPMyadmin. KAIHATSU KAIHATSU/[school_name]/db_updates/db_updates.sql 7.7 For update schools, change current site as OLD, newly created folder as new htdocs folder, moves cache and help files from the OLD folder into the new one (For test site only) mv htdocs htdocsOLD; mv htdocsNEW htdocs; mv htdocsOLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/; mv htdocsOLD/include/help htdocs/include/ ; mv htdocsOLD/test* htdocs/ ; (For test and training) mv htdocs htdocsOLD; mv htdocsNEW htdocs; mv htdocsOLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/; mv htdocsOLD/include/help htdocs/include/ ; mv htdocsOLD/test* htdocs/ ; mv htdocsOLD/training* htdocs/ ; (For 146 itojuku) mv htdocs htdocsOLD; mv htdocsNEW htdocs; mv htdocsOLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/; mv htdocsOLD/include/help htdocs/include/ ; mv htdocsOLD/test* htdocs/ ; mv htdocsOLD/import* htdocs/ ; mv htdocsOLD/training* htdocs/ ; mv htdocsOLD/seiseki* htdocs/ ; (For 142 acc) mv htdocs htdocsOLD; mv htdocsNEW htdocs; mv htdocsOLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/; mv htdocsOLD/include/help htdocs/include/ ; mv htdocsOLD/test* htdocs/ ; mv htdocsOLD/import* htdocs/ ; mv htdocsOLD/training* htdocs/ ; mv htdocsOLD/koza* htdocs/ ; (For 140 acc) mv htdocs htdocsOLD; mv htdocsNEW htdocs; mv htdocsOLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/; mv htdocsOLD/test* htdocs/ ; mv htdocsOLD/training* htdocs/ ; mv htdocsOLD/koza* htdocs/ ; *For new schools, keep the SCHOOL_CACHE_* folders and bring help file from the following file untar the file below from htdocs/include/ \\home\sites\help.tar.gz tar xvzf help.tar.gz (untar the file to get the help folder) 7.8 Run repaire DB and ACL if there is DB change run the url below index.php?module=Administration&action=MG_TblRepair_AN&manage_type=echo_all and index.php?module=Administration&action=MG_TblRepair_AN&manage_type=repair_all if there is new module run the url below index.php?module=ACL&action=install_actions 8. For a TEST SITE do the following actions on the system window (using ssh connection window) 8.1 login into the server using for example PuTTY (e.g. with user admin su development (use site's development padssword) 8.2 run necessary aliases to prevent mute overwriting alias rm='rm -v' ; alias mv='mv -i' ; alias ll='ls -l' ; 8.3 Move to school folder and remove the old backup cd /home/sites/*** (school domain) ex: cd /home/site/acc rm -rf htdocs/testOLD; 8.4 Run script below and unzip technosms. create test. ../scripts/sms_installtest *** ex: ../scripts/sms_installtest acc (For 153,234,236 server) ../script/sms_installtest *** ex: ../script/sms_installtest acc (For 157 server) script/sms_installtest acc (For 142(acc2) server) (*** should be the school name, e.g. acc or 'culture' for common codes) 8.5 Delete cache in new folder rm -rf test/SCHOOL_CACHE_* (if not a new school, remove new cache folders since existing ones will be utilized) *To create the import folder use the command below. cp -rp test test2 cp -rp test import cp -rp test training cp -rp test koza *For new schools, keep the SCHOOL_CACHE_* folders 8.6 Apply the DB updates for the school using PHPMyadmin; check general and school specific file below To find out last DB update: check bugreport with school name and find "Upload info". If there are any update SQL in below files after DB update in bugreport, execute them using PHPMyadmin. KAIHATSU/GENEL/UPDATE_DB.sql KAIHATSU/[school_name]/db_updates/db_updates.sql 8.7 For update schools, change current test site as testOLD, newly created folder as new test folder, moves cache files from the OLD folder into the new one mv htdocs/test htdocs/testOLD; mv test htdocs/ ; mv htdocs/testOLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/test/ ; *If the create folder is "import", use the command below. rm -rf htdocs/test2OLD; mv htdocs/test2 htdocs/test2OLD; mv test2 htdocs/ ; mv htdocs/test2OLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/test2/ ; rm -rf htdocs/importOLD; mv htdocs/import htdocs/importOLD; mv import htdocs/import ; mv htdocs/importOLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/import/ ; rm -rf htdocs/trainingOLD; mv htdocs/training htdocs/trainingOLD; mv training htdocs/training ; mv htdocs/trainingOLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/training/ ; rm -rf htdocs/kozaOLD; mv htdocs/koza htdocs/kozaOLD; mv koza htdocs/koza ; mv htdocs/kozaOLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/koza/ ; 8.8 Run repaire DB and ACL if there is DB change run the url below index.php?module=Administration&action=MG_TblRepair_AN&manage_type=echo_all and index.php?module=Administration&action=MG_TblRepair_AN&manage_type=repair_all if there is new module run the url below index.php?module=ACL&action=install_actions 8_itojukuo the following actions on the system window (using ssh connection window) 8.1 login into the server using for example PuTTY (e.g. with user admin su development (use site's development padssword) 8.2 run necessary aliases to prevent mute overwriting alias rm='rm -v' ; alias mv='mv -i' ; alias ll='ls -l' ; 8.3 Move to school folder and remove the old backup cd /home/sites/ rm -rf htdocs/test2OLD; rm -rf htdocs/testOLD; rm -rf htdocs/trainingOLD; rm -rf htdocs/importOLD; rm -rf htdocs/import1OLD; rm -rf htdocs/seisekiliveOLD; rm -rf htdocs/seisekitest2OLD; 8.4 Run script below and unzip technosms. create test. script/sms_installtest itojuku cp -rp test2 test cp -rp test2 training cp -rp test2 import cp -rp test2 import1 cp -rp test2 seisekilive cp -rp test2 seisekitest2 8.5 Delete cache in new folder rm -rf test2/SCHOOL_CACHE_* rm -rf test/SCHOOL_CACHE_* rm -rf training/SCHOOL_CACHE_* rm -rf import/SCHOOL_CACHE_* rm -rf import1/SCHOOL_CACHE_* rm -rf seisekilive/SCHOOL_CACHE_* rm -rf seisekitest2/SCHOOL_CACHE_* 8.6 Apply the DB updates for the school using PHPMyadmin; check general and school specific file below To find out last DB update: check bugreport with school name and find "Upload info". If there are any update SQL in below files after DB update in bugreport, execute them using PHPMyadmin. KAIHATSU/GENEL/UPDATE_DB.sql KAIHATSU/[school_name]/db_updates/db_updates.sql 8.7 For update schools, change current test site as testOLD, newly created folder as new test folder, moves cache files from the OLD folder into the new one mv htdocs/test2 htdocs/test2OLD; mv test2 htdocs/ ; mv htdocs/test2OLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/test2/ ; mv htdocs/test htdocs/testOLD; mv test htdocs/ ; mv htdocs/testOLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/test/ ; mv htdocs/training htdocs/trainingOLD; mv training htdocs/ ; mv htdocs/trainingOLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/training/ ; mv htdocs/import htdocs/importOLD; mv import htdocs/ ; mv htdocs/importOLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/import/ ; mv htdocs/import1 htdocs/import1OLD; mv import1 htdocs/ ; mv htdocs/import1OLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/import1/ ; mv htdocs/seisekilive htdocs/seisekiliveOLD; mv seisekilive htdocs/ ; mv htdocs/seisekiliveOLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/seisekilive/ ; mv htdocs/seisekitest2 htdocs/seisekitest2OLD; mv seisekitest2 htdocs/ ; mv htdocs/seisekitest2OLD/SCHOOL_CACHE_* htdocs/seisekitest2/ ; 8.8 Run repaire DB and ACL if there is DB change run the url below index.php?module=Administration&action=MG_TblRepair_AN&manage_type=echo_all and index.php?module=Administration&action=MG_TblRepair_AN&manage_type=repair_all if there is new module run the url below index.php?module=ACL&action=install_actions 9. Perform a simple test on the site: student search, help files, uploaded images, and recent changes 10. Update the corresponding bugreport (with upload info) for that school