'; } if ($include_icon) { $button .= '' . $alternate . ''; } if ($include_icon && $include_text) { $button .= ' '; } if ($include_text) { $button .= $alternate; } if ($include_box) { $button .= ''; } return $button; } /** * Displays the maximum size for an upload * * @uses $GLOBALS['strMaximumSize'] * @uses PMA_formatByteDown() * @uses sprintf() * @param integer the size * * @return string the message * * @access public */ function PMA_displayMaximumUploadSize($max_upload_size) { list($max_size, $max_unit) = PMA_formatByteDown($max_upload_size); return '(' . sprintf($GLOBALS['strMaximumSize'], $max_size, $max_unit) . ')'; } /** * Generates a hidden field which should indicate to the browser * the maximum size for upload * * @param integer the size * * @return string the INPUT field * * @access public */ function PMA_generateHiddenMaxFileSize($max_size) { return ''; } /** * Add slashes before "'" and "\" characters so a value containing them can * be used in a sql comparison. * * @uses str_replace() * @param string the string to slash * @param boolean whether the string will be used in a 'LIKE' clause * (it then requires two more escaped sequences) or not * @param boolean whether to treat cr/lfs as escape-worthy entities * (converts \n to \\n, \r to \\r) * * @param boolean whether this function is used as part of the * "Create PHP code" dialog * * @return string the slashed string * * @access public */ function PMA_sqlAddslashes($a_string = '', $is_like = false, $crlf = false, $php_code = false) { if ($is_like) { $a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\\\\\', $a_string); } else { $a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $a_string); } if ($crlf) { $a_string = str_replace("\n", '\n', $a_string); $a_string = str_replace("\r", '\r', $a_string); $a_string = str_replace("\t", '\t', $a_string); } if ($php_code) { $a_string = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $a_string); } else { $a_string = str_replace('\'', '\'\'', $a_string); } return $a_string; } // end of the 'PMA_sqlAddslashes()' function /** * Add slashes before "_" and "%" characters for using them in MySQL * database, table and field names. * Note: This function does not escape backslashes! * * @uses str_replace() * @param string the string to escape * * @return string the escaped string * * @access public */ function PMA_escape_mysql_wildcards($name) { $name = str_replace('_', '\\_', $name); $name = str_replace('%', '\\%', $name); return $name; } // end of the 'PMA_escape_mysql_wildcards()' function /** * removes slashes before "_" and "%" characters * Note: This function does not unescape backslashes! * * @uses str_replace() * @param string $name the string to escape * @return string the escaped string * @access public */ function PMA_unescape_mysql_wildcards($name) { $name = str_replace('\\_', '_', $name); $name = str_replace('\\%', '%', $name); return $name; } // end of the 'PMA_unescape_mysql_wildcards()' function /** * removes quotes (',",`) from a quoted string * * checks if the sting is quoted and removes this quotes * * @uses str_replace() * @uses substr() * @param string $quoted_string string to remove quotes from * @param string $quote type of quote to remove * @return string unqoted string */ function PMA_unQuote($quoted_string, $quote = null) { $quotes = array(); if (null === $quote) { $quotes[] = '`'; $quotes[] = '"'; $quotes[] = "'"; } else { $quotes[] = $quote; } foreach ($quotes as $quote) { if (substr($quoted_string, 0, 1) === $quote && substr($quoted_string, -1, 1) === $quote) { $unquoted_string = substr($quoted_string, 1, -1); // replace escaped quotes $unquoted_string = str_replace($quote . $quote, $quote, $unquoted_string); return $unquoted_string; } } return $quoted_string; } /** * format sql strings * * @todo move into PMA_Sql * @uses PMA_SQP_isError() * @uses PMA_SQP_formatHtml() * @uses PMA_SQP_formatNone() * @uses is_array() * @param mixed pre-parsed SQL structure * * @return string the formatted sql * * @global array the configuration array * @global boolean whether the current statement is a multiple one or not * * @access public * * @author Robin Johnson */ function PMA_formatSql($parsed_sql, $unparsed_sql = '') { global $cfg; // Check that we actually have a valid set of parsed data // well, not quite // first check for the SQL parser having hit an error if (PMA_SQP_isError()) { return $parsed_sql; } // then check for an array if (!is_array($parsed_sql)) { // We don't so just return the input directly // This is intended to be used for when the SQL Parser is turned off $formatted_sql = '
' . "\n"
                        . (($cfg['SQP']['fmtType'] == 'none' && $unparsed_sql != '') ? $unparsed_sql : $parsed_sql) . "\n"
                        . '
'; return $formatted_sql; } $formatted_sql = ''; switch ($cfg['SQP']['fmtType']) { case 'none': if ($unparsed_sql != '') { $formatted_sql = "
\n" . PMA_SQP_formatNone(array('raw' => $unparsed_sql)) . "\n
"; } else { $formatted_sql = PMA_SQP_formatNone($parsed_sql); } break; case 'html': $formatted_sql = PMA_SQP_formatHtml($parsed_sql, 'color'); break; case 'text': //$formatted_sql = PMA_SQP_formatText($parsed_sql); $formatted_sql = PMA_SQP_formatHtml($parsed_sql, 'text'); break; default: break; } // end switch return $formatted_sql; } // end of the "PMA_formatSql()" function /** * Displays a link to the official MySQL documentation * * @uses $cfg['MySQLManualType'] * @uses $cfg['MySQLManualBase'] * @uses $cfg['ReplaceHelpImg'] * @uses $GLOBALS['mysql_4_1_doc_lang'] * @uses $GLOBALS['mysql_5_1_doc_lang'] * @uses $GLOBALS['mysql_5_0_doc_lang'] * @uses $GLOBALS['strDocu'] * @uses $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] * @uses PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION * @uses strtolower() * @uses str_replace() * @param string chapter of "HTML, one page per chapter" documentation * @param string contains name of page/anchor that is being linked * @param bool whether to use big icon (like in left frame) * @param string anchor to page part * * @return string the html link * * @access public */ function PMA_showMySQLDocu($chapter, $link, $big_icon = false, $anchor = '') { global $cfg; if ($cfg['MySQLManualType'] == 'none' || empty($cfg['MySQLManualBase'])) { return ''; } // Fixup for newly used names: $chapter = str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($chapter)); $link = str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($link)); switch ($cfg['MySQLManualType']) { case 'chapters': if (empty($chapter)) { $chapter = 'index'; } if (empty($anchor)) { $anchor = $link; } $url = $cfg['MySQLManualBase'] . '/' . $chapter . '.html#' . $anchor; break; case 'big': if (empty($anchor)) { $anchor = $link; } $url = $cfg['MySQLManualBase'] . '#' . $anchor; break; case 'searchable': if (empty($link)) { $link = 'index'; } $url = $cfg['MySQLManualBase'] . '/' . $link . '.html'; if (!empty($anchor)) { $url .= '#' . $anchor; } break; case 'viewable': default: if (empty($link)) { $link = 'index'; } $mysql = '5.0'; $lang = 'en'; if (defined('PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION')) { if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50100) { $mysql = '5.1'; if (!empty($GLOBALS['mysql_5_1_doc_lang'])) { $lang = $GLOBALS['mysql_5_1_doc_lang']; } } elseif (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50000) { $mysql = '5.0'; if (!empty($GLOBALS['mysql_5_0_doc_lang'])) { $lang = $GLOBALS['mysql_5_0_doc_lang']; } } } $url = $cfg['MySQLManualBase'] . '/' . $mysql . '/' . $lang . '/' . $link . '.html'; if (!empty($anchor)) { $url .= '#' . $anchor; } break; } if ($big_icon) { return '' . $GLOBALS['strDocu'] . ''; } elseif ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ReplaceHelpImg']) { return '' . $GLOBALS['strDocu'] . ''; } else { return '[' . $GLOBALS['strDocu'] . ']'; } } // end of the 'PMA_showMySQLDocu()' function /** * returns HTML for a footnote marker and add the messsage to the footnotes * * @uses $GLOBALS['footnotes'] * @param string the error message * @return string html code for a footnote marker * @access public */ function PMA_showHint($message, $bbcode = false, $type = 'notice') { if ($message instanceof PMA_Message) { $key = $message->getHash(); $type = $message->getLevel(); } else { $key = md5($message); } if (! isset($GLOBALS['footnotes'][$key])) { $nr = count($GLOBALS['footnotes']) + 1; // this is the first instance of this message $instance = 1; $GLOBALS['footnotes'][$key] = array( 'note' => $message, 'type' => $type, 'nr' => $nr, 'instance' => $instance ); } else { $nr = $GLOBALS['footnotes'][$key]['nr']; // another instance of this message (to ensure ids are unique) $instance = ++$GLOBALS['footnotes'][$key]['instance']; } if ($bbcode) { return '[sup]' . $nr . '[/sup]'; } // footnotemarker used in js/tooltip.js return '' . $nr . ''; } /** * Displays a MySQL error message in the right frame. * * @uses footer.inc.php * @uses header.inc.php * @uses $GLOBALS['sql_query'] * @uses $GLOBALS['strError'] * @uses $GLOBALS['strSQLQuery'] * @uses $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] * @uses $GLOBALS['strEdit'] * @uses $GLOBALS['strMySQLSaid'] * @uses $GLOBALS['cfg']['PropertiesIconic'] * @uses $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL'] * @uses PMA_backquote() * @uses PMA_DBI_getError() * @uses PMA_formatSql() * @uses PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs() * @uses PMA_generate_common_url() * @uses PMA_showMySQLDocu() * @uses PMA_sqlAddslashes() * @uses PMA_SQP_isError() * @uses PMA_SQP_parse() * @uses PMA_SQP_getErrorString() * @uses strtolower() * @uses urlencode() * @uses str_replace() * @uses nl2br() * @uses substr() * @uses preg_replace() * @uses preg_match() * @uses explode() * @uses implode() * @uses is_array() * @uses function_exists() * @uses htmlspecialchars() * @uses trim() * @uses strstr() * @param string the error message * @param string the sql query that failed * @param boolean whether to show a "modify" link or not * @param string the "back" link url (full path is not required) * @param boolean EXIT the page? * * @global string the curent table * @global string the current db * * @access public */ function PMA_mysqlDie($error_message = '', $the_query = '', $is_modify_link = true, $back_url = '', $exit = true) { global $table, $db; if (!$error_message) { $error_message = PMA_DBI_getError(); } if (!$the_query && !empty($GLOBALS['sql_query'])) { $the_query = $GLOBALS['sql_query']; } echo $error_message; echo "

"; echo $the_query; } // end of the 'PMA_mysqlDie()' function /** * Send HTTP header, taking IIS limits into account (600 seems ok) * * @uses PMA_IS_IIS * @uses PMA_COMING_FROM_COOKIE_LOGIN * @uses PMA_get_arg_separator() * @uses SID * @uses strlen() * @uses strpos() * @uses header() * @uses session_write_close() * @uses headers_sent() * @uses function_exists() * @uses debug_print_backtrace() * @uses trigger_error() * @uses defined() * @param string $uri the header to send * @return boolean always true */ function PMA_sendHeaderLocation($uri) { if (PMA_IS_IIS && strlen($uri) > 600) { echo '- - -' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; } else { if (SID) { if (strpos($uri, '?') === false) { header('Location: ' . $uri . '?' . SID); } else { $separator = PMA_get_arg_separator(); header('Location: ' . $uri . $separator . SID); } } else { session_write_close(); if (headers_sent()) { if (function_exists('debug_print_backtrace')) { echo '
                    echo '
'; } trigger_error('PMA_sendHeaderLocation called when headers are already sent!', E_USER_ERROR); } // bug #1523784: IE6 does not like 'Refresh: 0', it // results in a blank page // but we need it when coming from the cookie login panel) if (PMA_IS_IIS && defined('PMA_COMING_FROM_COOKIE_LOGIN')) { header('Refresh: 0; ' . $uri); } else { header('Location: ' . $uri); } } } } /** * returns array with tables of given db with extended information and grouped * * @uses $cfg['LeftFrameTableSeparator'] * @uses $cfg['LeftFrameTableLevel'] * @uses $cfg['ShowTooltipAliasTB'] * @uses $cfg['NaturalOrder'] * @uses PMA_backquote() * @uses count() * @uses array_merge * @uses uksort() * @uses strstr() * @uses explode() * @param string $db name of db * @param string $tables name of tables * @param integer $limit_offset list offset * @param integer $limit_count max tables to return * return array (recursive) grouped table list */ function PMA_getTableList($db, $tables = null, $limit_offset = 0, $limit_count = false) { $sep = $GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftFrameTableSeparator']; if (null === $tables) { $tables = PMA_DBI_get_tables_full($db, false, false, null, $limit_offset, $limit_count); if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['NaturalOrder']) { uksort($tables, 'strnatcasecmp'); } } if (count($tables) < 1) { return $tables; } $default = array( 'Name' => '', 'Rows' => 0, 'Comment' => '', 'disp_name' => '', ); $table_groups = array(); // for blobstreaming - list of blobstreaming tables - rajk // load PMA configuration $PMA_Config = $_SESSION['PMA_Config']; // if PMA configuration exists if (!empty($PMA_Config)) $session_bs_tables = $_SESSION['PMA_Config']->get('BLOBSTREAMING_TABLES'); foreach ($tables as $table_name => $table) { // if BS tables exist if (isset($session_bs_tables)) // compare table name to tables in list of blobstreaming tables foreach ($session_bs_tables as $table_key=>$table_val) // if table is in list, skip outer foreach loop if ($table_name == $table_key) continue 2; // check for correct row count if (null === $table['Rows']) { // Do not check exact row count here, // if row count is invalid possibly the table is defect // and this would break left frame; // but we can check row count if this is a view, // since PMA_Table::countRecords() returns a limited row count // in this case. // set this because PMA_Table::countRecords() can use it $tbl_is_view = PMA_Table::isView($db, $table['Name']); if ($tbl_is_view) { $table['Rows'] = PMA_Table::countRecords($db, $table['Name'], $return = true); } } // in $group we save the reference to the place in $table_groups // where to store the table info if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftFrameDBTree'] && $sep && strstr($table_name, $sep)) { $parts = explode($sep, $table_name); $group =& $table_groups; $i = 0; $group_name_full = ''; while ($i < count($parts) - 1 && $i < $GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftFrameTableLevel']) { $group_name = $parts[$i] . $sep; $group_name_full .= $group_name; if (!isset($group[$group_name])) { $group[$group_name] = array(); $group[$group_name]['is' . $sep . 'group'] = true; $group[$group_name]['tab' . $sep . 'count'] = 1; $group[$group_name]['tab' . $sep . 'group'] = $group_name_full; } elseif (!isset($group[$group_name]['is' . $sep . 'group'])) { $table = $group[$group_name]; $group[$group_name] = array(); $group[$group_name][$group_name] = $table; unset($table); $group[$group_name]['is' . $sep . 'group'] = true; $group[$group_name]['tab' . $sep . 'count'] = 1; $group[$group_name]['tab' . $sep . 'group'] = $group_name_full; } else { $group[$group_name]['tab' . $sep . 'count']++; } $group =& $group[$group_name]; $i++; } } else { if (!isset($table_groups[$table_name])) { $table_groups[$table_name] = array(); } $group =& $table_groups; } if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowTooltipAliasTB'] && $GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowTooltipAliasTB'] !== 'nested') { // switch tooltip and name $table['Comment'] = $table['Name']; $table['disp_name'] = $table['Comment']; } else { $table['disp_name'] = $table['Name']; } $group[$table_name] = array_merge($default, $table); } return $table_groups; } /* ----------------------- Set of misc functions ----------------------- */ /** * Adds backquotes on both sides of a database, table or field name. * and escapes backquotes inside the name with another backquote * * example: * * echo PMA_backquote('owner`s db'); // `owner``s db` * * * * @uses PMA_backquote() * @uses is_array() * @uses strlen() * @uses str_replace() * @param mixed $a_name the database, table or field name to "backquote" * or array of it * @param boolean $do_it a flag to bypass this function (used by dump * functions) * @return mixed the "backquoted" database, table or field name if the * current MySQL release is >= 3.23.6, the original one * else * @access public */ function PMA_backquote($a_name, $do_it = true) { if (! $do_it) { return $a_name; } if (is_array($a_name)) { $result = array(); foreach ($a_name as $key => $val) { $result[$key] = PMA_backquote($val); } return $result; } // '0' is also empty for php :-( if (strlen($a_name) && $a_name !== '*') { return '`' . str_replace('`', '``', $a_name) . '`'; } else { return $a_name; } } // end of the 'PMA_backquote()' function /** * Defines the value depending on the user OS. * * @uses PMA_USR_OS * @return string the value to use * * @access public */ function PMA_whichCrlf() { $the_crlf = "\n"; // The 'PMA_USR_OS' constant is defined in "./libraries/Config.class.php" // Win case if (PMA_USR_OS == 'Win') { $the_crlf = "\r\n"; } // Others else { $the_crlf = "\n"; } return $the_crlf; } // end of the 'PMA_whichCrlf()' function /** * Reloads navigation if needed. * * @uses $GLOBALS['reload'] * @uses $GLOBALS['db'] * @uses PMA_generate_common_url() * @global array configuration * * @access public */ function PMA_reloadNavigation() { global $cfg; // Reloads the navigation frame via JavaScript if required if (isset($GLOBALS['reload']) && $GLOBALS['reload']) { // one of the reasons for a reload is when a table is dropped // in this case, get rid of the table limit offset, otherwise // we have a problem when dropping a table on the last page // and the offset becomes greater than the total number of tables unset($_SESSION['userconf']['table_limit_offset']); echo "\n"; $reload_url = './navigation.php?' . PMA_generate_common_url($GLOBALS['db'], '', '&'); ?> ' . "\n"; echo '//' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; } // end if ... elseif // Checks if the table needs to be repaired after a TRUNCATE query. // @todo what about $GLOBALS['display_query']??? // @todo this is REALLY the wrong place to do this - very unexpected here if (strlen($GLOBALS['table']) && $GLOBALS['sql_query'] == 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . PMA_backquote($GLOBALS['table'])) { if (PMA_Table::sGetStatusInfo($GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table'], 'Index_length') > 1024) { PMA_DBI_try_query('REPAIR TABLE ' . PMA_backquote($GLOBALS['table'])); } } unset($tbl_status); echo '
' . "\n"; if ($message instanceof PMA_Message) { $message->display(); $type = $message->getLevel(); } else { echo '
'; echo PMA_sanitize($message); if (isset($GLOBALS['special_message'])) { echo PMA_sanitize($GLOBALS['special_message']); unset($GLOBALS['special_message']); } echo '
'; } if ($cfg['ShowSQL'] == true && ! empty($sql_query)) { // Html format the query to be displayed // If we want to show some sql code it is easiest to create it here /* SQL-Parser-Analyzer */ if (! empty($GLOBALS['show_as_php'])) { $new_line = '\\n"
' . "\n" . '    . "'; $query_base = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($sql_query)); $query_base = preg_replace('/((\015\012)|(\015)|(\012))/', $new_line, $query_base); } else { $query_base = $sql_query; } $query_too_big = false; if (strlen($query_base) > $cfg['MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL']) { // when the query is large (for example an INSERT of binary // data), the parser chokes; so avoid parsing the query $query_too_big = true; $shortened_query_base = nl2br(htmlspecialchars(substr($sql_query, 0, $cfg['MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL']) . '[...]')); } elseif (! empty($GLOBALS['parsed_sql']) && $query_base == $GLOBALS['parsed_sql']['raw']) { // (here, use "! empty" because when deleting a bookmark, // $GLOBALS['parsed_sql'] is set but empty $parsed_sql = $GLOBALS['parsed_sql']; } else { // Parse SQL if needed $parsed_sql = PMA_SQP_parse($query_base); } // Analyze it if (isset($parsed_sql)) { $analyzed_display_query = PMA_SQP_analyze($parsed_sql); // Here we append the LIMIT added for navigation, to // enable its display. Adding it higher in the code // to $sql_query would create a problem when // using the Refresh or Edit links. // Only append it on SELECTs. /** * @todo what would be the best to do when someone hits Refresh: * use the current LIMITs ? */ if (isset($analyzed_display_query[0]['queryflags']['select_from']) && isset($GLOBALS['sql_limit_to_append'])) { $query_base = $analyzed_display_query[0]['section_before_limit'] . "\n" . $GLOBALS['sql_limit_to_append'] . $analyzed_display_query[0]['section_after_limit']; // Need to reparse query $parsed_sql = PMA_SQP_parse($query_base); } } if (! empty($GLOBALS['show_as_php'])) { $query_base = '$sql = "' . $query_base; } elseif (! empty($GLOBALS['validatequery'])) { $query_base = PMA_validateSQL($query_base); } elseif (isset($parsed_sql)) { $query_base = PMA_formatSql($parsed_sql, $query_base); } // Prepares links that may be displayed to edit/explain the query // (don't go to default pages, we must go to the page // where the query box is available) // Basic url query part $url_params = array(); if (strlen($GLOBALS['db'])) { $url_params['db'] = $GLOBALS['db']; if (strlen($GLOBALS['table'])) { $url_params['table'] = $GLOBALS['table']; $edit_link = 'tbl_sql.php'; } else { $edit_link = 'db_sql.php'; } } else { $edit_link = 'server_sql.php'; } // Want to have the query explained (Mike Beck 2002-05-22) // but only explain a SELECT (that has not been explained) /* SQL-Parser-Analyzer */ $explain_link = ''; if (! empty($cfg['SQLQuery']['Explain']) && ! $query_too_big) { $explain_params = $url_params; // Detect if we are validating as well // To preserve the validate uRL data if (! empty($GLOBALS['validatequery'])) { $explain_params['validatequery'] = 1; } if (preg_match('@^SELECT[[:space:]]+@i', $sql_query)) { $explain_params['sql_query'] = 'EXPLAIN ' . $sql_query; $_message = $GLOBALS['strExplain']; } elseif (preg_match('@^EXPLAIN[[:space:]]+SELECT[[:space:]]+@i', $sql_query)) { $explain_params['sql_query'] = substr($sql_query, 8); $_message = $GLOBALS['strNoExplain']; } if (isset($explain_params['sql_query'])) { $explain_link = 'import.php' . PMA_generate_common_url($explain_params); $explain_link = ' [' . PMA_linkOrButton($explain_link, $_message) . ']'; } } //show explain $url_params['sql_query'] = $sql_query; $url_params['show_query'] = 1; if (! empty($cfg['SQLQuery']['Edit']) && ! $query_too_big) { if ($cfg['EditInWindow'] == true) { $onclick = 'window.parent.focus_querywindow(\'' . PMA_jsFormat($sql_query, false) . '\'); return false;'; } else { $onclick = ''; } $edit_link .= PMA_generate_common_url($url_params) . '#querybox'; $edit_link = ' [' . PMA_linkOrButton($edit_link, $GLOBALS['strEdit'], array('onclick' => $onclick)) . ']'; } else { $edit_link = ''; } $url_qpart = PMA_generate_common_url($url_params); // Also we would like to get the SQL formed in some nice // php-code (Mike Beck 2002-05-22) if (! empty($cfg['SQLQuery']['ShowAsPHP']) && ! $query_too_big) { $php_params = $url_params; if (! empty($GLOBALS['show_as_php'])) { $_message = $GLOBALS['strNoPhp']; } else { $php_params['show_as_php'] = 1; $_message = $GLOBALS['strPhp']; } $php_link = 'import.php' . PMA_generate_common_url($php_params); $php_link = ' [' . PMA_linkOrButton($php_link, $_message) . ']'; if (isset($GLOBALS['show_as_php'])) { $runquery_link = 'import.php' . PMA_generate_common_url($url_params); $php_link .= ' [' . PMA_linkOrButton($runquery_link, $GLOBALS['strRunQuery']) . ']'; } } else { $php_link = ''; } //show as php // Refresh query if (! empty($cfg['SQLQuery']['Refresh']) && preg_match('@^(SELECT|SHOW)[[:space:]]+@i', $sql_query)) { $refresh_link = 'import.php' . PMA_generate_common_url($url_params); $refresh_link = ' [' . PMA_linkOrButton($refresh_link, $GLOBALS['strRefresh']) . ']'; } else { $refresh_link = ''; } //show as php if (! empty($cfg['SQLValidator']['use']) && ! empty($cfg['SQLQuery']['Validate'])) { $validate_params = $url_params; if (!empty($GLOBALS['validatequery'])) { $validate_message = $GLOBALS['strNoValidateSQL'] ; } else { $validate_params['validatequery'] = 1; $validate_message = $GLOBALS['strValidateSQL'] ; } $validate_link = 'import.php' . PMA_generate_common_url($validate_params); $validate_link = ' [' . PMA_linkOrButton($validate_link, $validate_message) . ']'; } else { $validate_link = ''; } //validator echo ''; if ($query_too_big) { echo $shortened_query_base; } else { echo $query_base; } //Clean up the end of the PHP if (! empty($GLOBALS['show_as_php'])) { echo '";'; } echo ''; echo '
'; // avoid displaying a Profiling checkbox that could // be checked, which would reexecute an INSERT, for example if (! empty($refresh_link)) { PMA_profilingCheckbox($sql_query); } echo $edit_link . $explain_link . $php_link . $refresh_link . $validate_link; echo '
'; } echo '

' . "\n"; } // end of the 'PMA_showMessage()' function /** * Verifies if current MySQL server supports profiling * * @uses $_SESSION['profiling_supported'] for caching * @uses $GLOBALS['server'] * @uses PMA_DBI_fetch_value() * @uses PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION * @uses defined() * @access public * @return boolean whether profiling is supported * * @author Marc Delisle */ function PMA_profilingSupported() { if (! PMA_cacheExists('profiling_supported', true)) { // 5.0.37 has profiling but for example, 5.1.20 does not // (avoid a trip to the server for MySQL before 5.0.37) // and do not set a constant as we might be switching servers if (defined('PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION') && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50037 && PMA_DBI_fetch_value("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'profiling'")) { PMA_cacheSet('profiling_supported', true, true); } else { PMA_cacheSet('profiling_supported', false, true); } } return PMA_cacheGet('profiling_supported', true); } /** * Displays a form with the Profiling checkbox * * @param string $sql_query * @access public * * @author Marc Delisle */ function PMA_profilingCheckbox($sql_query) { if (PMA_profilingSupported()) { echo '
' . "\n"; echo PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs($GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table']); echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; PMA_generate_html_checkbox('profiling', $GLOBALS['strProfiling'], isset($_SESSION['profiling']), true); echo '' . "\n"; echo '
' . "\n"; } } /** * Displays the results of SHOW PROFILE * * @param array the results * @access public * * @author Marc Delisle */ function PMA_profilingResults($profiling_results) { echo '
' . $GLOBALS['strProfiling'] . '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo ' ' . "\n"; echo ' ' . "\n"; echo ' ' . "\n"; echo ' ' . "\n"; foreach($profiling_results as $one_result) { echo ' ' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; } echo '
' . $GLOBALS['strStatus'] . '' . $GLOBALS['strTime'] . '
' . $one_result['Status'] . '' . $one_result['Duration'] . '
' . "\n"; echo '
' . "\n"; } /** * Formats $value to byte view * * @param double the value to format * @param integer the sensitiveness * @param integer the number of decimals to retain * * @return array the formatted value and its unit * * @access public * * @author staybyte * @version 1.2 - 18 July 2002 */ function PMA_formatByteDown($value, $limes = 6, $comma = 0) { $dh = PMA_pow(10, $comma); $li = PMA_pow(10, $limes); $return_value = $value; $unit = $GLOBALS['byteUnits'][0]; for ($d = 6, $ex = 15; $d >= 1; $d--, $ex-=3) { if (isset($GLOBALS['byteUnits'][$d]) && $value >= $li * PMA_pow(10, $ex)) { // use 1024.0 to avoid integer overflow on 64-bit machines $value = round($value / (PMA_pow(1024, $d) / $dh)) /$dh; $unit = $GLOBALS['byteUnits'][$d]; break 1; } // end if } // end for if ($unit != $GLOBALS['byteUnits'][0]) { // if the unit is not bytes (as represented in current language) // reformat with max length of 5 // 4th parameter=true means do not reformat if value < 1 $return_value = PMA_formatNumber($value, 5, $comma, true); } else { // do not reformat, just handle the locale $return_value = PMA_formatNumber($value, 0); } return array($return_value, $unit); } // end of the 'PMA_formatByteDown' function /** * Formats $value to the given length and appends SI prefixes * $comma is not substracted from the length * with a $length of 0 no truncation occurs, number is only formated * to the current locale * * examples: * * echo PMA_formatNumber(123456789, 6); // 123,457 k * echo PMA_formatNumber(-123456789, 4, 2); // -123.46 M * echo PMA_formatNumber(-0.003, 6); // -3 m * echo PMA_formatNumber(0.003, 3, 3); // 0.003 * echo PMA_formatNumber(0.00003, 3, 2); // 0.03 m * echo PMA_formatNumber(0, 6); // 0 * * * @param double $value the value to format * @param integer $length the max length * @param integer $comma the number of decimals to retain * @param boolean $only_down do not reformat numbers below 1 * * @return string the formatted value and its unit * * @access public * * @author staybyte, sebastian mendel * @version 1.1.0 - 2005-10-27 */ function PMA_formatNumber($value, $length = 3, $comma = 0, $only_down = false) { //number_format is not multibyte safe, str_replace is safe if ($length === 0) { return str_replace(array(',', '.'), array($GLOBALS['number_thousands_separator'], $GLOBALS['number_decimal_separator']), number_format($value, $comma)); } // this units needs no translation, ISO $units = array( -8 => 'y', -7 => 'z', -6 => 'a', -5 => 'f', -4 => 'p', -3 => 'n', -2 => 'µ', -1 => 'm', 0 => ' ', 1 => 'k', 2 => 'M', 3 => 'G', 4 => 'T', 5 => 'P', 6 => 'E', 7 => 'Z', 8 => 'Y' ); // we need at least 3 digits to be displayed if (3 > $length + $comma) { $length = 3 - $comma; } // check for negative value to retain sign if ($value < 0) { $sign = '-'; $value = abs($value); } else { $sign = ''; } $dh = PMA_pow(10, $comma); $li = PMA_pow(10, $length); $unit = $units[0]; if ($value >= 1) { for ($d = 8; $d >= 0; $d--) { if (isset($units[$d]) && $value >= $li * PMA_pow(1000, $d-1)) { $value = round($value / (PMA_pow(1000, $d) / $dh)) /$dh; $unit = $units[$d]; break 1; } // end if } // end for } elseif (!$only_down && (float) $value !== 0.0) { for ($d = -8; $d <= 8; $d++) { if (isset($units[$d]) && $value <= $li * PMA_pow(1000, $d-1)) { $value = round($value / (PMA_pow(1000, $d) / $dh)) /$dh; $unit = $units[$d]; break 1; } // end if } // end for } // end if ($value >= 1) elseif (!$only_down && (float) $value !== 0.0) //number_format is not multibyte safe, str_replace is safe $value = str_replace(array(',', '.'), array($GLOBALS['number_thousands_separator'], $GLOBALS['number_decimal_separator']), number_format($value, $comma)); return $sign . $value . ' ' . $unit; } // end of the 'PMA_formatNumber' function /** * Writes localised date * * @param string the current timestamp * * @return string the formatted date * * @access public */ function PMA_localisedDate($timestamp = -1, $format = '') { global $datefmt, $month, $day_of_week; if ($format == '') { $format = $datefmt; } if ($timestamp == -1) { $timestamp = time(); } $date = preg_replace('@%[aA]@', $day_of_week[(int)strftime('%w', $timestamp)], $format); $date = preg_replace('@%[bB]@', $month[(int)strftime('%m', $timestamp)-1], $date); return strftime($date, $timestamp); } // end of the 'PMA_localisedDate()' function /** * returns a tab for tabbed navigation. * If the variables $link and $args ar left empty, an inactive tab is created * * @uses $GLOBALS['PMA_PHP_SELF'] * @uses $GLOBALS['strEmpty'] * @uses $GLOBALS['strDrop'] * @uses $GLOBALS['active_page'] * @uses $GLOBALS['url_query'] * @uses $cfg['MainPageIconic'] * @uses $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] * @uses PMA_generate_common_url() * @uses E_USER_NOTICE * @uses htmlentities() * @uses urlencode() * @uses sprintf() * @uses trigger_error() * @uses array_merge() * @uses basename() * @param array $tab array with all options * @return string html code for one tab, a link if valid otherwise a span * @access public */ function PMA_getTab($tab) { // default values $defaults = array( 'text' => '', 'class' => '', 'active' => false, 'link' => '', 'sep' => '?', 'attr' => '', 'args' => '', 'warning' => '', 'fragment' => '', ); $tab = array_merge($defaults, $tab); // determine additionnal style-class if (empty($tab['class'])) { if ($tab['text'] == $GLOBALS['strEmpty'] || $tab['text'] == $GLOBALS['strDrop']) { $tab['class'] = 'caution'; } elseif (! empty($tab['active']) || PMA_isValid($GLOBALS['active_page'], 'identical', $tab['link'])) { $tab['class'] = 'active'; } elseif (empty($GLOBALS['active_page']) && basename($GLOBALS['PMA_PHP_SELF']) == $tab['link'] && empty($tab['warning'])) { $tab['class'] = 'active'; } } if (!empty($tab['warning'])) { $tab['class'] .= ' warning'; $tab['attr'] .= ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($tab['warning']) . '"'; } // build the link if (!empty($tab['link'])) { $tab['link'] = htmlentities($tab['link']); $tab['link'] = $tab['link'] . $tab['sep'] .(empty($GLOBALS['url_query']) ? PMA_generate_common_url() : $GLOBALS['url_query']); if (! empty($tab['args'])) { foreach ($tab['args'] as $param => $value) { $tab['link'] .= PMA_get_arg_separator('html') . urlencode($param) . '=' . urlencode($value); } } } if (! empty($tab['fragment'])) { $tab['link'] .= $tab['fragment']; } // display icon, even if iconic is disabled but the link-text is missing if (($GLOBALS['cfg']['MainPageIconic'] || empty($tab['text'])) && isset($tab['icon'])) { // avoid generating an alt tag, because it only illustrates // the text that follows and if browser does not display // images, the text is duplicated $image = '%2$s'; $tab['text'] = sprintf($image, htmlentities($tab['icon']), $tab['text']); } // check to not display an empty link-text elseif (empty($tab['text'])) { $tab['text'] = '?'; trigger_error('empty linktext in function ' . __FUNCTION__ . '()', E_USER_NOTICE); } $out = ''; if (!empty($tab['link'])) { $out .= '' . $tab['text'] . ''; } else { $out .= '' . $tab['text'] . ''; } $out .= ''; return $out; } // end of the 'PMA_getTab()' function /** * returns html-code for a tab navigation * * @uses PMA_getTab() * @uses htmlentities() * @param array $tabs one element per tab * @param string $tag_id id used for the html-tag * @return string html-code for tab-navigation */ function PMA_getTabs($tabs, $tag_id = 'topmenu') { $tab_navigation = '
' . "\n" .'
    ' . "\n"; foreach ($tabs as $tab) { $tab_navigation .= PMA_getTab($tab) . "\n"; } $tab_navigation .= '
' . "\n" .'
' .'
' . "\n"; return $tab_navigation; } /** * Displays a link, or a button if the link's URL is too large, to * accommodate some browsers' limitations * * @param string the URL * @param string the link message * @param mixed $tag_params string: js confirmation * array: additional tag params (f.e. style="") * @param boolean $new_form we set this to false when we are already in * a form, to avoid generating nested forms * * @return string the results to be echoed or saved in an array */ function PMA_linkOrButton($url, $message, $tag_params = array(), $new_form = true, $strip_img = false, $target = '') { if (! is_array($tag_params)) { $tmp = $tag_params; $tag_params = array(); if (!empty($tmp)) { $tag_params['onclick'] = 'return confirmLink(this, \'' . $tmp . '\')'; } unset($tmp); } if (! empty($target)) { $tag_params['target'] = htmlentities($target); } $tag_params_strings = array(); foreach ($tag_params as $par_name => $par_value) { // htmlspecialchars() only on non javascript $par_value = substr($par_name, 0, 2) == 'on' ? $par_value : htmlspecialchars($par_value); $tag_params_strings[] = $par_name . '="' . $par_value . '"'; } // previously the limit was set to 2047, it seems 1000 is better if (strlen($url) <= 1000) { // no whitespace within an else Safari will make it part of the link $ret = "\n" . '' . $message . '' . "\n"; } else { // no spaces (linebreaks) at all // or after the hidden fields // IE will display them all // add class=link to submit button if (empty($tag_params['class'])) { $tag_params['class'] = 'link'; } // decode encoded url separators $separator = PMA_get_arg_separator(); // on most places separator is still hard coded ... if ($separator !== '&') { // ... so always replace & with $separator $url = str_replace(htmlentities('&'), $separator, $url); $url = str_replace('&', $separator, $url); } $url = str_replace(htmlentities($separator), $separator, $url); // end decode $url_parts = parse_url($url); $query_parts = explode($separator, $url_parts['query']); if ($new_form) { $ret = '