-- School update contacts set school_id='sssssss-1111' where school_id='osaka'; update contacts set school_id='483794c4-adee-a607-f685-4441c943a1e2' where school_id='tokyo'; update contacts set school_id='58362bd0-5d1e-c3f9-efd1-4441c972601c' where school_id='nagoya'; -- Contact_status update contacts set contact_status='11' where contact_status='A'; update contacts set contact_status='0' where contact_status='B'; update contacts set contact_status='7' where contact_status='C'; -- Email update contacts set email1=email2 where (email1 IS NULL OR email1='') AND (email2 IS NOT NULL OR email1!='') update contacts set email2=NULL where email1=email2; -- Application_date and system id update contacts, contacts2 set contacts.application_date= contacts2.application_date, contacts.id=contacts2.id, contacts.last_name = contacts2.last_name WHERE contacts.idnumber=contacts2.idnumber; -- Postalcode update contacts set primary_address_postalcode=replace(primary_address_postalcode,'-','') ; -- Bring address from yubin database according to postalcode update contacts,yubin set contacts.primary_state=yubin.ken, contacts.city = yubin.city, contacts.street=yubin.address WHERE contacts.primary_address_postalcode=yubin.postcode AND LEFT(yubin.postcode,1) ='1'; update contacts,yubin set contacts.state=yubin.ken, contacts.city = yubin.city, contacts.street=yubin.address WHERE contacts.primary_address_postalcode=yubin.postcode AND LEFT(yubin.postcode,1) ='2'; update contacts,yubin set contacts.state=yubin.ken, contacts.city = yubin.city, contacts.street=yubin.address WHERE contacts.primary_address_postalcode=yubin.postcode AND LEFT(yubin.postcode,1) ='3'; update contacts,yubin set contacts.state=yubin.ken, contacts.city = yubin.city, contacts.street=yubin.address WHERE contacts.primary_address_postalcode=yubin.postcode AND LEFT(yubin.postcode,1) ='4'; update contacts,yubin set contacts.state=yubin.ken, contacts.city = yubin.city, contacts.street=yubin.address WHERE contacts.primary_address_postalcode=yubin.postcode AND LEFT(yubin.postcode,1) ='5'; update contacts,yubin set contacts.state=yubin.ken, contacts.city = yubin.city, contacts.street=yubin.address WHERE contacts.primary_address_postalcode=yubin.postcode AND LEFT(yubin.postcode,1) ='6'; update contacts,yubin set contacts.state=yubin.ken, contacts.city = yubin.city, contacts.street=yubin.address WHERE contacts.primary_address_postalcode=yubin.postcode AND LEFT(yubin.postcode,1) ='7'; update contacts,yubin set contacts.state=yubin.ken, contacts.city = yubin.city, contacts.street=yubin.address WHERE contacts.primary_address_postalcode=yubin.postcode AND LEFT(yubin.postcode,1) ='8'; update contacts,yubin set contacts.state=yubin.ken, contacts.city = yubin.city, contacts.street=yubin.address WHERE contacts.primary_address_postalcode=yubin.postcode AND LEFT(yubin.postcode,1) ='9'; update contacts,yubin set contacts.primary_address_state=yubin.ken, contacts.primary_address_city = yubin.city WHERE contacts.primary_address_postalcode=yubin.postcode ; update contacts set `primary_address_street` = replace(`primary_address_street`, `primary_address_state`, '') where 1; update contacts set `primary_address_street` = replace(`primary_address_street`, `primary_address_city`, '') where LEFT(`primary_address_street`,2) = LEFT(`primary_address_city`,2) ; -- Replace ken and city in address with empty string update contacts set `primary_address_street` = replace(`primary_address_street`, `state`, '') where 1; update contacts set `primary_address_street` = replace(`primary_address_street`, `city`, '') where LEFT(`primary_address_street`,2) = LEFT(`city`,2) ; -- Process checkbox update contacts set custom_var4=0 where custom_var4='−'; update contacts set custom_var4=0 where custom_var4='ー'; update contacts set custom_var4=1 where custom_var4='○'; update contacts set custom_var5=0 where custom_var5='-'; update contacts set custom_var5=0 where custom_var5='−'; update contacts set custom_var5=0 where custom_var5='ー'; update contacts set custom_var5=1 where custom_var5='○'; update contacts set custom_var6=0 where custom_var6='-'; update contacts set custom_var6=0 where custom_var6='−'; update contacts set custom_var6=0 where custom_var6='ー'; update contacts set custom_var6=1 where custom_var6='○'; update contacts set custom_var7=0 where custom_var7='-'; update contacts set custom_var7=0 where custom_var7='−'; update contacts set custom_var7=0 where custom_var7='ー'; update contacts set custom_var7=1 where custom_var7='○'; update contacts set custom_var8=0 where custom_var8='-'; update contacts set custom_var8=0 where custom_var8='−'; update contacts set custom_var8=0 where custom_var8='ー'; update contacts set custom_var8=1 where custom_var8='○'; update contacts set custom_var9=0 where custom_var9='-'; update contacts set custom_var9=0 where custom_var9='−'; update contacts set custom_var9=0 where custom_var9='ー'; update contacts set custom_var9=1 where custom_var9='○'; update contacts set custom_var10=0 where custom_var10='-' update contacts set custom_var10=0 where custom_var10='−'; update contacts set custom_var10=0 where custom_var10='ー'; update contacts set custom_var10=1 where custom_var10='○'; update contacts set custom_var11=0 where custom_var11='-' update contacts set custom_var11=0 where custom_var11='−'; update contacts set custom_var11=0 where custom_var11='ー'; update contacts set custom_var11=1 where custom_var11='○'; update contacts set custom_var12=0 where custom_var12='-' update contacts set custom_var12=0 where custom_var12='−'; update contacts set custom_var12=0 where custom_var12='ー'; update contacts set custom_var12=1 where custom_var12='○'; update contacts set custom_var13=0 where custom_var13='-'; update contacts set custom_var13=0 where custom_var13='−'; update contacts set custom_var13=0 where custom_var13='ー'; update contacts set custom_var13=1 where custom_var13='○'; update contacts set custom_var5=2 where custom_var5=1; update contacts set custom_var6=4 where custom_var6=1; update contacts set custom_var7=8 where custom_var7=1; update contacts set custom_var8=16 where custom_var8=1; update contacts set custom_var9=32 where custom_var9=1; update contacts set custom_var10=64 where custom_var10=1; update contacts set custom_var11=128 where custom_var11=1; update contacts set custom_var12=256 where custom_var12=1; update contacts set custom_var13=512 where custom_var13=1; -- Calculate total kubun update contacts set kubun_total=(custom_var4+custom_var5+custom_var6+custom_var7+custom_var8+ custom_var9+custom_var10+custom_var11+custom_var12+custom_var13); -- move data update contacts_temp,contacts set contacts_temp.id = contacts.id where 1; insert into contacts_temp (id) SELECT contacts.id FROM contacts WHERE 1; INSERT INTO `contacts_temp` ( `id` , `last_name` , `last_name_furigana` , `lead_source` , `phone_home` , `phone_mobile` , `phone_fax` , `email1` , `email2` , `primary_address_street` , `primary_address_city` , `primary_address_state` , `primary_address_postalcode` , `description` , `invalid_email` , `contact_status` , `school_id` , `send_document_home` , `idnumber` , `application_date` , `custom_var1` , `custom_var2` , `custom_var3` , `custom_var4` ) SELECT contacts.id, contacts.last_name, contacts.last_name_furigana, contacts.lead_source, contacts.phone_home, contacts.phone_mobile, contacts.phone_fax, contacts.email1, contacts.email2, contacts.primary_address_street, contacts.city, contacts.state, contacts.primary_address_postalcode, contacts.description, contacts.invalid_email, contacts.contact_status, contacts.school_id, contacts.send_document_home, contacts.idnumber, contacts.application_date, contacts.custom_var1, contacts.custom_var2, contacts.custom_var3, contacts.custom_var4 FROM contacts where 1; update contacts set smsgroup='student' where 1; update contacts set date_entered=NOW(), date_modified=NOW() where 1; -- Set custom_var to proper locations like pulldown btw 11-18, checkbox 19-20 update contacts set custom_var19=custom_var4 where 1; update contacts set custom_var11=custom_var2 where custom_var2!=''; update contacts set custom_var11=null where custom_var11=0; update contacts set lead_source=null where lead_source=0; -- Move Mail-Magazine checkbox to custom_var20 update contacts set custom_var20=send_document_home where 1; update contacts set send_document_home='on' where 1; -- Fix DM email requested by customer update contacts set invalid_email=1 where contact_status='DM不' or contact_status='DM不' OR contact_status='L' OR contact_status='L' OR contact_status='DM不' or contact_status='DM絶'; -- Fix contact status update contacts set contact_status='11' where contact_status='' OR contact_status='DM不' or contact_status='DM不' OR contact_status='L' OR contact_status='L' OR contact_status='見込' OR contact_status='05見' OR contact_status='A' OR contact_status='qw' OR contact_status='DM不' or contact_status='DM絶'; update contacts set contact_status='0' where contact_status='B'; update contacts set contact_status='7' where contact_status='05春' OR contact_status='東京短' OR contact_status='短期' ; update contacts set contact_status='102' where contact_status='E'; update contacts set contact_status='103' where contact_status='F' OR contact_status='提出' OR contact_status='提出他' OR contact_status='提出済'; update contacts set contact_status='104' where contact_status='G' OR contact_status='来期' OR contact_status='見込み' OR contact_status='G'; update contacts set contact_status='105' where contact_status='H' OR contact_status='参加' OR contact_status='参加 ' OR contact_status='参加見' OR contact_status='参加8' OR contact_status='参加9' OR contact_status='見込 ' OR contact_status='青梅' OR contact_status='F体' OR contact_status='H'; update contacts set contact_status='106' where contact_status='I' OR contact_status='05春' OR contact_status='I'; update contacts set contact_status='107' where contact_status='J' OR contact_status='小'; update contacts set contact_status='108' where contact_status='K' ; SELECT DISTINCT ( contact_status ), count( contact_status ) FROM contacts GROUP BY contact_status -- Update main OSAKA main branch update contacts set school_id='osaka' where school_id='483794c4-adee-a607-f685-4441c943a1e2' and deleted=0; update contacts set school_id='483794c4-adee-a607-f685-4441c943a1e2' where school_id='sssssss-1111' and deleted=0; update contacts set school_id='sssssss-1111' where school_id='osaka' and deleted=0; update contacts set contact_status=5 where contact_status=11; update contacts set contact_status=5 where contact_status=11; -- 2007-11-22 metehan update c_m_ilk set custom_var4=0 where custom_var4='−'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var4=0 where custom_var4='ー'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var4=1 where custom_var4='○'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var5=0 where custom_var5='-'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var5=0 where custom_var5='−'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var5=0 where custom_var5='ー'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var5=1 where custom_var5='○'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var6=0 where custom_var6='-'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var6=0 where custom_var6='−'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var6=0 where custom_var6='ー'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var6=1 where custom_var6='○'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var7=0 where custom_var7='-'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var7=0 where custom_var7='−'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var7=0 where custom_var7='ー'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var7=1 where custom_var7='○'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var8=0 where custom_var8='-'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var8=0 where custom_var8='−'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var8=0 where custom_var8='ー'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var8=1 where custom_var8='○'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var9=0 where custom_var9='-'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var9=0 where custom_var9='−'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var9=0 where custom_var9='ー'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var9=1 where custom_var9='○'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var10=0 where custom_var10='-'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var10=0 where custom_var10='−'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var10=0 where custom_var10='ー'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var10=1 where custom_var10='○'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var11=0 where custom_var11='-'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var11=0 where custom_var11='−'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var11=0 where custom_var11='ー'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var11=1 where custom_var11='○'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var12=0 where custom_var12='-'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var12=0 where custom_var12='−'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var12=0 where custom_var12='ー'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var12=1 where custom_var12='○'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var13=0 where custom_var13='-'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var13=0 where custom_var13='−'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var13=0 where custom_var13='ー'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var13=1 where custom_var13='○'; update c_m_ilk set custom_var5=2 where custom_var5=1; update c_m_ilk set custom_var6=4 where custom_var6=1; update c_m_ilk set custom_var7=8 where custom_var7=1; update c_m_ilk set custom_var8=16 where custom_var8=1; update c_m_ilk set custom_var9=32 where custom_var9=1; update c_m_ilk set custom_var10=64 where custom_var10=1; update c_m_ilk set custom_var11=128 where custom_var11=1; update c_m_ilk set custom_var12=256 where custom_var12=1; update c_m_ilk set custom_var13=512 where custom_var13=1; update c_m_ilk set custom_var19=(custom_var4+custom_var5+custom_var6+custom_var7+custom_var8+ custom_var9+custom_var10+custom_var11+custom_var12+custom_var13); SELECT c.id, c.school_id, c.custom_var19, c2.idnumber FROM contacts c LEFT JOIN c_m_ilk c2 ON c.idnumber = c2.idnumber WHERE c2.idnumber IS NULL ; SELECT c.id, c.idnumber, c.date_entered, c.date_modified, c.school_id, c.custom_var19, c2.idnumber FROM contacts c LEFT JOIN c_m_ilk c2 ON c.idnumber = c2.idnumber WHERE c2.id IS NULL ; -- data is still same for custom_var19 SELECT c.id, c.idnumber, c.date_entered, c.date_modified, c.school_id, c.custom_var19, c2.idnumber FROM contacts c JOIN c_m_ilk c2 ON c.idnumber = c2.idnumber AND c.custom_var19 = c2.custom_var19 ; SELECT c.id, c.idnumber, c.date_entered, c.date_modified, c.school_id, c.custom_var19, c2.idnumber FROM contacts c LEFT JOIN `contacts-2007-08-07` c2 ON c.idnumber = c2.idnumber WHERE c2.id IS NULL ; -- wrong input (same value on different columns) SELECT * FROM `c_m_new19` WHERE (k1=k2 AND k1!=0) OR (k1=k3 AND k1!=0) OR (k1=k4 AND k1!=0) OR (k1=k5 AND k1!=0) OR (k1=k6 AND k1!=0) OR (k1=k7 AND k1!=0) OR (k2=k3 AND k2!=0) OR (k2=k4 AND k2!=0) OR (k2=k5 AND k2!=0) OR (k2=k6 AND k2!=0) OR (k2=k7 AND k2!=0) OR (k3=k4 AND k3!=0) OR (k3=k5 AND k3!=0) OR (k3=k6 AND k3!=0) OR (k3=k7 AND k3!=0) OR (k4=k5 AND k4!=0) OR (k4=k6 AND k4!=0) OR (k4=k7 AND k4!=0) OR (k5=k6 AND k5!=0) OR (k5=k7 AND k5!=0) OR (k6=k7 AND k6!=0) -- get the new custom_var19 from the 講座1~講座7 from the initial data UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=65536 WHERE k1='16' OR k2='16' OR k3='16' OR k4='16' OR k5='16' OR k6='16' OR k7='16' ; UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+32768 WHERE k1='15' OR k2='15' OR k3='15' OR k4='15' OR k5='15' OR k6='15' OR k7='15' ; UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+16384 WHERE k1='14' OR k2='14' OR k3='14' OR k4='14' OR k5='14' OR k6='14' OR k7='14' ; UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+8192 WHERE k1='13' OR k2='13' OR k3='13' OR k4='13' OR k5='13' OR k6='13' OR k7='13' ; UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+4096 WHERE k1='12' OR k2='12' OR k3='12' OR k4='12' OR k5='12' OR k6='12' OR k7='12' ; UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+2048 WHERE k1='11' OR k2='11' OR k3='11' OR k4='11' OR k5='11' OR k6='11' OR k7='11' ; UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+1024 WHERE k1='10' OR k2='10' OR k3='10' OR k4='10' OR k5='10' OR k6='10' OR k7='10' ; UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+512 WHERE k1='1000' OR k2='1000' OR k3='1000' OR k4='1000' OR k5='1000' OR k6='1000' OR k7='1000' ; UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+256 WHERE k1='9' OR k2='9' OR k3='9' OR k4='9' OR k5='9' OR k6='9' OR k7='9' ; UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+128 WHERE k1='8' OR k2='8' OR k3='8' OR k4='8' OR k5='8' OR k6='8' OR k7='8' ; UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+64 WHERE k1='7' OR k2='7' OR k3='7' OR k4='7' OR k5='7' OR k6='7' OR k7='7' ; UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+32 WHERE k1='6' OR k2='6' OR k3='6' OR k4='6' OR k5='6' OR k6='6' OR k7='6' ; UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+16 WHERE k1='5' OR k2='5' OR k3='5' OR k4='5' OR k5='5' OR k6='5' OR k7='5' ; UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+8 WHERE k1='4' OR k2='4' OR k3='4' OR k4='4' OR k5='4' OR k6='4' OR k7='4' ; UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+4 WHERE k1='3' OR k2='3' OR k3='3' OR k4='3' OR k5='3' OR k6='3' OR k7='3' ; UPDATE c_m_new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+2 WHERE k1='2' OR k2='2' OR k3='2' OR k4='2' OR k5='2' OR k6='2' OR k7='2' ; UPDATE c_m_ilk cn, c_m_new19 co SET cn.custom19new=co.custom_var19 WHERE cn.idnumber=co.idnumber ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=65536 WHERE k1='16' OR k2='16' OR k3='16' OR k4='16' OR k5='16' OR k6='16' OR k7='16' ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+32768 WHERE k1='15' OR k2='15' OR k3='15' OR k4='15' OR k5='15' OR k6='15' OR k7='15' ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+16384 WHERE k1='14' OR k2='14' OR k3='14' OR k4='14' OR k5='14' OR k6='14' OR k7='14' ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+8192 WHERE k1='13' OR k2='13' OR k3='13' OR k4='13' OR k5='13' OR k6='13' OR k7='13' ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+4096 WHERE k1='12' OR k2='12' OR k3='12' OR k4='12' OR k5='12' OR k6='12' OR k7='12' ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+2048 WHERE k1='11' OR k2='11' OR k3='11' OR k4='11' OR k5='11' OR k6='11' OR k7='11' ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+1024 WHERE k1='10' OR k2='10' OR k3='10' OR k4='10' OR k5='10' OR k6='10' OR k7='10' ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+512 WHERE k1='1000' OR k2='1000' OR k3='1000' OR k4='1000' OR k5='1000' OR k6='1000' OR k7='1000' ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+256 WHERE k1='9' OR k2='9' OR k3='9' OR k4='9' OR k5='9' OR k6='9' OR k7='9' ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+128 WHERE k1='8' OR k2='8' OR k3='8' OR k4='8' OR k5='8' OR k6='8' OR k7='8' ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+64 WHERE k1='7' OR k2='7' OR k3='7' OR k4='7' OR k5='7' OR k6='7' OR k7='7' ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+32 WHERE k1='6' OR k2='6' OR k3='6' OR k4='6' OR k5='6' OR k6='6' OR k7='6' ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+16 WHERE k1='5' OR k2='5' OR k3='5' OR k4='5' OR k5='5' OR k6='5' OR k7='5' ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+8 WHERE k1='4' OR k2='4' OR k3='4' OR k4='4' OR k5='4' OR k6='4' OR k7='4' ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+4 WHERE k1='3' OR k2='3' OR k3='3' OR k4='3' OR k5='3' OR k6='3' OR k7='3' ; UPDATE c_m_2new19 SET custom_var19=custom_var19+2 WHERE k1='2' OR k2='2' OR k3='2' OR k4='2' OR k5='2' OR k6='2' OR k7='2' ; -- set the custom_var which are not edited to the correct value, thus set to verified status and update the variable SELECT c.id, c.idnumber, c.date_entered, c.date_modified, c.school_id, c.custom_var19, c2.idnumber FROM contacts c JOIN c_m_ilk c2 ON c.idnumber = c2.idnumber AND c.custom_var19 = c2.custom_var19 ; UPDATE contacts c, c_m_ilk c2 SET c.custom_var16=3, c.custom_var19=c2.custom19new WHERE c.idnumber = c2.idnumber AND c.custom_var19 = c2.custom_var19 ; UPDATE contacts c, c_m_new19 co SET c.custom_var15=co.custom_var19, c.custom_var16=1 WHERE c.idnumber=co.idnumber AND c.custom_var16 IS NULL ; UPDATE contacts c, c_m_2new19 co SET c.custom_var15=co.custom_var19, c.custom_var16=2 WHERE c.idnumber=co.idnumber AND c.custom_var16 IS NULL ; SELECT c.id, c.idnumber, c.date_entered, c.date_modified FROM contacts c WHERE c.custom_var16 IS NULL AND c.smsgroup = 'student' AND c.deleted =0 ; -- the earliest record update date by a non-admin user is '2007-07-27 05:53:30' -- so the record updated earlier than this date can be set to verified status SELECT * FROM contacts c WHERE cdate_modified < '2007-07-27 05:53:30' ; UPDATE contacts c SET c.custom_var16=3, c.custom_var19=c.custom_var15 WHERE c.date_modified < '2007-07-27 05:53:30' AND (c.custom_var16=1 OR c.custom_var16=2) ; SELECT c.id, c.idnumber, c.date_entered, c.date_modified FROM contacts c WHERE c.custom_var16 IS NULL AND c.smsgroup = 'student' AND c.deleted =0 ; UPDATE contacts c SET c.custom_var16=4 WHERE c.custom_var16 IS NULL AND c.smsgroup = 'student' AND c.deleted =0 ; UPDATE contacts c, c_m_ilk c2 SET c.custom_var16=3, c.custom_var19=c2.custom19new WHERE c.date_modified < '2007-07-27 05:53:30' ; -- set the records of which value is somehow set by the customer same as the initial supposedly correct value, set them to verified status SELECT idnumber, date_entered, date_modified, modified_user_id, custom_var15, custom_var16, custom_var19 FROM `contacts` WHERE (custom_var16 = '1' OR custom_var16 = '2') AND deleted =0 AND smsgroup = 'student' AND custom_var15=custom_var19 ; UPDATE contacts SET custom_var16=3 WHERE (custom_var16 = '1' OR custom_var16 = '2') AND deleted =0 AND smsgroup = 'student' AND custom_var15=custom_var19 ; -- records of which value is not set at the second import operation UPDATE contacts c SET c.custom_var16=3, c.custom_var19=c.custom_var15 WHERE c.date_modified='2007-08-07 00:00:00' AND c.custom_var19 IS NULL -- AFTER THESE OPERATIONS WE HAVE 266 records which are not verified yet!!! SELECT c.id, c.idnumber, c.date_entered, c.date_modified, c.custom_var19, c.custom_var15 FROM contacts c WHERE (custom_var16 = '1' OR custom_var16 = '2') AND c.smsgroup = 'student' AND c.deleted =0 ;