Steps in creating the development environment Ex:伊藤塾(itojuku) 1. Preparations in Advance  Create the school folder in the server As suggested by SEEDS (the hosting company of the server), create '' in the server and set it in the DNS, etc. Set the permission of the htdocs folder under the created folder to 0750. 2. Using the development environment creation tool in the Local, duplicate the standard environment for the folder of the new school Replace the xxx with the new school and use it to run in the browser http://localhost/schoolmng/make_new_school_custom.php?new_school_custom=xxx ※To limit it in the host, perform on localhost or debuglocalhost ※When using a school other than standard, add the parameter old_school_custom=yyy Ex: http://localhost/schoolmng/make_new_school_custom.php?new_school_custom=itojuku 3.Configure the following files in Zend schoolmng/include/basic_utils.php Configure the domain If the school is big, register 2 domains (to put up an independent server for the live site) Ex:'' => 'itojuku', '' => 'itojuku', SCHOOLCUSTOM/itojuku/config.itojuku.local.php Configure the DB SCHOOLCUSTOM/itojuku/config.itojuku.test.php Copy the local 5. Creating the DB from sampledb Model DB sampledb_sms Update History of the Model DB KAIHATSU\GENEL\UPDATE_DB.sql Copy the sampledb_sms of 236, verify UPDATE_DB and run if there is an update While it is possible to copy if it's in the same server, export and apply if it's in a different server *sampledb_sms has already been processed with InnoDB conversion tool and MySQL Version Upgrade tool *If going to test using echo_all after creating in local, run the following tool to check -- Tool for MySQL5.6 -- http://localhost/KAIHATSU/GENEL/db_utilities/mysql_5_6_NULL_converter.php 6. Configure the user setting of the test DB Server Menu of PHPMyadmin Server: localhost−Privileges − Add a new user. Username: itojuku_sms Host: localhost Password: Create one using "Generate Password" Database for user: None Global Privileges: None Specific Privileges to the DB: all designation of DB Data Check all items Structure Check all items Administration  Check only LOCK TABLES Note the new user and password in config.itojuku.test.php 7. Create the CACHE of the new school Copy the following folders from the 'sample_for_upload' under the SVN folder and rename it to the name of the new school schoolmng/SCHOOL_CACHE_PERM schoolmng/SCHOOL_CACHE_TEMP 8. Refer to the UPLOAD GUIDE and upload the created environment to the server *Note: The following message will be shown when unzipping the the file that has been uploaded to the server  現在はSCHOOL_OVERWRITEを使用していないため、将来的にUnZipのスクリプトを修正する必要がある。 cp: cannot stat `SCHOOL_OVERWRITE/itojuku/*': No such file or directory cp: cannot stat `sms_startTEST.php': No such file or directory   9. Check the behavior of the test server after the domain has been configured by SEEDS.