MERDAN'dan gelen text ----------------------------- 1) Jujiya gessha creation Every month around 20th day of month you have to create jujiya gessha. It is not complicated task, but you have to be very careful. Especially if you updated the site recently. - Backup current db (suggested when code is updated, will save you big time) - in transaction listview search for next month gessha, criteria due_date should fall into next month (depends on every school) - Take the note about current listview count, after gessha is created should increase, if not you are doing it wrong - then create gessha using the following link - check the number, confirm with Komatsu-san and that is all. Other schools do it themselves. 2) Hiyoshi teacher fee related Komatsu-san will remind you when to create teacher fees. - Backup sms_fee table just in case - Directly in database check current count of fees - Execute the following script - Check newly created fees in db, and confirm several from the site (newly created fees' type_id should 5 or 6) 3) Data Import The best way to do it in Excel and PHPMyAdmin IN Excel remove unnecessary fields, convert, merge or split if possible (also can be done using mysql) Personally I prefer do everything using mysql even deleting fields. Since we can keep original imported file and recover any filed without need to re-import. For varchar36 id, you can write simple script and add it to excel before import. Or use UUID in MySQL 5 (but I never used it before) Useful MySQL commands I use a lot while importing CONCAT_WS - to concat two strings with separator INSERT INTO .... SELECT - import from one table to another REPLACE - for string replacement SUBSTRING - get substring of a string CHAR_LENGTH - get length of string 4) FPDF programming It is very straightforward just use print on specified location. Importan thing that Japanese FPDF is using Shift JIS encoding to output text. So everything should be converted to ShiftJis. - SetXY to set location - Cell to print square with text(font,size position,etc can be set), Further check FPDF website, their manual and script pages are very useful. 5) Cronjob handling root> crontab -l to list current cronjob list root> crontab -e to edit current cronjob list EX: 30 10 * * * /root/scripts/rsnapshot_backup hourly IT is in the following format "min hour dom mon dow" where dom - date of month mon - month dow - day of week 6) Niki Saison Import Please upload files that are coming from Niki Saison to nikicrm directly. Then, export the data, it will export everything, or data imported until that day. Just remove everything current month, update labels to japanese. Sometimes you will need to check manual file, if it is an update record. To replace the updated field number with corresponding label. 7) Gessha creation other schools (Programming) - Main file is located in /modules/Fee/CreateNewGessha.php overwrite classes are also located in same folder. Following is config used for gessha creation in Akamon $sugar_config['gessha_creation'] = array( // need confirmation 'default_gessha_creation_class' => 'CreateNewGessha_Akamon', 'default_sell_date_for_next_gessha' => '20', 'default_period_no_for_next_gessha' => '3', 'default_due_to_for_next_gessha' => '1', 'display_create_gessha_view' => true, 'set_next_gessha_fee_applied' => true, 'merge_to_one_salesgroup_by_student_and_course' => true, 'display_student_gessha_history_report' => true, 'student_contact_status_settings' => array( 'regular_student'=> '0', //'student_on_leave' => '9', ), 'custom_function1' => '', 'custom_function2' => '', ); This is the most common one, ABCkids, Jujiya and Hamax are little bit different. Please akamon as example in your future settings. All of the settings are pretty self-explanatory. If school use bank info export $sugar_config['sms_bankinfo_import_export'] = true; Sometimes import and export also have to use overwrite class $sugar_config['sms_bankinfo_export_settings']['class_name'] = 'GenerateBankInfoExport_Hamax'; $sugar_config['sms_bankinfo_export_settings']['class_file_location'] = 'modules/Transaction/include/bankinfo_class_hamax.php'; $sugar_config['bank_import_special_processing'] = array( 'bank_import_type' => 'hamax', ); YAHYA'nin eklemeleri --------------------- * Hiyoshi teacher fee - sms_fee table'indaki row sayisina bak, islemden once ve sonra row sayilarini karsilastir. O ayki fee'si olan ogretmen sayisi kadar row sayisi artmali. Bu da yaklasik her ay 30-40 civarinda oluyor Ogretmen details sayfasina girince iki komoku var: bunlar チラシ発行月 ve 契約月 teacher_fees.php scripti sadece bu iki komoku'ya bakip fee olusturuyor * Jujiya gessha creation 校舎: All schools 締切日: checked Tarih araligi: Bir sonraki ayin basindan sonuna 対象者: default (student) Search sonucunda okul yonetiminin kendi girdigi transactionlar olabilir, mesela 20 civarinda (son sefer oyleydi) createnewgessha.php calistirdiktan sonra ogrenci sayisiyla orantili bir sayi girmeli, mesela 600 civarinda (son sefer bu sekildeydi)